5 minute read time.


The IET Manufacturing Technical Network welcomes your input to shape our future programme. We are keen to make our content relevant and inclusive for all our members as well as aligned to our organisation's mission. We want to continue to develop our programme  to meet your professional needs and to address your personal interests aligned to the IET priorities of digital Futures and Sustainable Planet, therefore we would like to hear from you on the questions below.


The IET Manufacturing Technical Network welcomes your input to shape our future programme. We are keen to make our content relevant and inclusive for all our members as well as aligned to our organisation's mission.



Last December, then-President of the IET Dr Peter Bonfield OBE FREng, set out the Trustee's aim for the IET to "achieve social impact by focusing on how we can make a positive difference to some of the big societal challenges of our time", initially focusing on two specific challenges: Digital Futures and Sustainable Planet, which both require similar commitments to innovation, ethics and competency. Last year's Annual Report sets broad objectives for these two challenges:


Digital Futures ‘Create and drive adoption of professional standards and an ethical framework to new Digital Engineering disciplines’  

With the pace of development of digital technology already high,

we can have the greatest impact by focusing on driving the adoption of standards,

ethical frameworks and professionalism within the digital engineering discipline as well as supporting the development and professionalisation of new sectors and disciplines as they emerge.


Sustainable Planet  ‘Accelerate the pace of development and adoption of new sustainable technology’

The key engineering and technology challenge for Sustainable Planet is the pace of

development and adoption of viable, economic technologies that will

allow societies to move away from reliance on

unsustainable technology and infrastructure.

Our position on Sustainability includes five key principles - think long-term, think globally, strive to innovate, use all resources responsibly and be a champion (See the principles here)



Looking specifically to the Manufacturing Technical Network, we strive to build a community who see engineering at the heart of all they do in their respective fields of expertise and wish to promote the role of engineering excellence within the broad spectrum of Manufacturing and its associated support functions. We have held recent on-line events covering the subjects of Digital Manufacturing (held jointly with the New England Local Network) and Future Manufacturing and Supply Chains (See the recording here). Future planned events include Sustainable Manufacturing and impact of 5G on Manufacturing. We are keen to continue to develop our programme  to meet your professional needs and to address your personal interests aligned to the two IET priorities, above. Therefore we would like to hear from you on the following questions.  




Digital Futures

  • What does a "Digital Future" for Manufacturing mean to you?

  • What role do standards play?

  • What are the ethical implications of digitalisation?

Sustainable Planet

  • How can we accelerate new Sustainable Technology in Manufacturing?

  • What does the Circular Economy mean for future Manufacturing strategies?

  • How can Manufacturing be a "Champion" of Sustainability?


  • In which sector of Manufacturing do you work?

  • What role do you play?

  • How is your organisation responding to these societal challenges?

  • What examples of best practice would you share? 

  • What barriers do you see?  

  • What support should be expected from governments and local authorities? 

  • How can we prepare the engineers and technicians of the future for these challenges?   

  • How can the Manufacturing Technical Network support you?

  • Questions For Future Manufacturing : my comments

    Digital Future for Manufacturing : the use of computers to control the production line machinery or provision of information for prototype/single item manufacture.

    The Role of Standards : to ensure correct and repeatable manufacture.

    Ethical Implications : digitalisation can mean making a significant part of the workforce redundant. Retrain to minimise this.

    Sustainable Planet : Less travel, it is possible to employ staff working at home or in different countries.

    Accelerate new Sustainable Technology : provision of laptop computers to employees.

    Circular Economy : enable recycling of used products. Increase recycling by choice of materials.

    Champion of Sustainability : to be a champion we need to lead in implementing Digital Futures. For Manufacturing we should attempt to adopt best practices used by other manufacturers and industries.

    Which Sector of Manufacturing : I am retired and have worked in Aerospace, Business Machines, Defence and Information Technology.

    What Role : Design, Development and Test of Electronics, Software and Systems.

    Responding to Societal Challenges : by online training, sharing of documentation, adoption of computer applications for employees to enter their work. Use of language translation on our computer.

    Examples of Best Practice : Use of a spreadsheet to provide data and procedures for employees to follow.

    What Barriers : not enough designers with leadership ability or willingness to share.

    Support expected from Governments and Local Authorities : provision of guidelines or stipulation of procedures to follow in order to work in particular sectors.

    Prepare Engineers and Technicians : by introducing the use of computer applications and skills as part of education and training.

    Support by the Manufacturing Technical Networks : awaken Engineers and Technicians to modern methods.

  • Questions For Future Manufacturing : my comments

    Digital Future for Manufacturing : the use of computers to control the production line machinery or provision of information for prototype/single item manufacture.

    The Role of Standards : to ensure correct and repeatable manufacture.

    Ethical Implications : digitalisation can mean making a significant part of the workforce redundant. Retrain to minimise this.

    Sustainable Planet : Less travel, it is possible to employ staff working at home or in different countries.

    Accelerate new Sustainable Technology : provision of laptop computers to employees.

    Circular Economy : enable recycling of used products. Increase recycling by choice of materials.

    Champion of Sustainability : to be a champion we need to lead in implementing Digital Futures. For Manufacturing we should attempt to adopt best practices used by other manufacturers and industries.

    Which Sector of Manufacturing : I am retired and have worked in Aerospace, Business Machines, Defence and Information Technology.

    What Role : Design, Development and Test of Electronics, Software and Systems.

    Responding to Societal Challenges : by online training, sharing of documentation, adoption of computer applications for employees to enter their work. Use of language translation on our computer.

    Examples of Best Practice : Use of a spreadsheet to provide data and procedures for employees to follow.

    What Barriers : not enough designers with leadership ability or willingness to share.

    Support expected from Governments and Local Authorities : provision of guidelines or stipulation of procedures to follow in order to work in particular sectors.

    Prepare Engineers and Technicians : by introducing the use of computer applications and skills as part of education and training.

    Support by the Manufacturing Technical Networks : awaken Engineers and Technicians to modern methods.

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