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The PATW 2015 Local Competition has been held on Friday 05 May 2015. 13 participants have presented their projects and the winner is Miss Jaya Sujeewon with her presentation on "An autonomous Greenhouse Automation System with GSM Control". She will be representing Mauritius at the Regional Finals in Abu Dhabi by end of July 2015. She also receives a 1 year free subscription to the IET, a cash prize of £150 and a winner certificate.


Winner 2015 - Miss Jaya Sujeewon

The Runner up of this PATW 2015 for Mauritius is Miss Shameema Mulung for her presentation on "The Internet of Things and Smart Home Systems". The runner up shall receive a 1 year free subscription to the IET, a cash prize of £100 and a runner up certificate.



Runner up 2015 - Miss Shameema Mulung


Audience and Judges