3 minute read time.
If your goal is to achieve professional registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng), Engineering Technician (EngTech) or ICT Technician (ICTTech) you may be overwhelmed by the depth and breadth of information available and may not know where to turn, you'll have plenty of people around you who can offer support and opinions but finding impartial advice can sometimes be harder than you would expect.

The IET could not run our professional development or professional registration services without the support of our volunteers and there are two key people you might consider seeking out on your path to Professional Registration - these are a mentor or a Professional Registration Advisor (PRA).

There is often confusion over what these roles are and who you should contact - Here Iweexplain these roles and when to use each one.



The role of a mentor is to guide you towards becoming a competent professional, able to contribute towards the engineering profession and the community and ultimately seek professional registration at your desired level.

A mentor can challenge you to enhance your performance and provide valuable guidance and motivation over a period of time as you develop your competence.  Mentoring provides a longer term, professional friendship, and gives you another point of view as you develop.  If you are just starting out working towards registration or have got part way through and find yourself stuck on something, then a mentor could help you. Mentors can offer a fresh perspective, help you plan your development and act as a sounding board to help you find solutions to challenges. Often mentoring relationships can last a number of years whilst you develop.


Many companies have mentoring schemes in place. Alternatively, you can apply for an IET volunteer mentor through the IET’s Mentoring Service

Professional Registration Advisor (PRA)


A PRA can review your application and advise whether you are ready to apply for professional registration. If you are unsure which category of registration is most appropriate for you they can advise you. They can also advice on the presentation of your application.


If you have your application drafted and would like someone to look over it before you submit it, contacting a PRA is a good idea. In fact, the IET strongly recommend this. Of course, a PRA is unable to guarantee the successful outcome of your application – that is subject to the registration assessment process – but they can provide feedback as to whether your application needs further work or looks ready for submission.


Contacting a PRA is simple. Visit our website www.theiet.org/advice and enter your location to find details of your nearest PRA. Then, complete the online form with details of your query and if appropriate attach your CV or draft registration application form for review.


Both the IET mentor and PRA roles are undertaken by IET members who volunteer their time freely to help other members, so please be patient whilst waiting for a response.  Our volunteers give up their own time to undertake these roles, and often want to take the time to consider your details or application before responding directly.  

If you have more immediate questions about professional registration, the process or just want to talk to someone about your circumstances then the IET professional development team are here to help, or a number of our volunteers also frequent these discussion areas and are able to provide feedback and support.

A similar blog was initially posted under the title "When to use a Mentor and when to use a PRA" in 2013 by Caroline Shipp - this content has been reposted here to update the information and contact details.