1 minute read time.
As we pass the mid-point of the year (July 2nd) you may want to review the year so far and if, like us, you do mid-year reviews as part of a structured career journey or quarterly reviews for a professional development scheme then it's a good time to reflect on what you have learned, and what you may learn throughout the rest of the year.As I am sure many of you have, I've found my knowledge of online learning and communication platforms increase and wider technical skills - from expanding my vocabulary to learn VOIP, Skype, Zoom and VPN to more personal learning by logging in to webinars to learn about resilience and working in remote teams.  

I've continued to be both impressed and grateful for the innovation and adaptation that colleagues, volunteers and other members have managed from the very practical 3D printing of masks and supporting Nightingale hospital set ups to the move to online mentoring and professional review interviews and am in awe of the supportive nature of engineers in continuing to help fight the global pandemic.  As we ease into the lockdown phase in some areas, and start to look back over the last few months - it is important to note those changes and consider any new things we have learned or skills that we have developed.