Last year the Aerospace Network held a seminar on ‘Ageing Aircraft’ in London and, during the event, it was realised that the majority of those who would benefit the most from this type of event were based in the South-West. The Network therefore decided to organise a second, more technically-focused, event, which was held at MOD Abbey Wood on 18 October 2017.
Speakers were chosen who could provide delegates with insight into innovative approaches and the latest technology. MOD speakers discussed examples of current in-Service ageing issues and provided a Regulator's view. With the personal support of Air Marshal Young, Chief of Materiel (Air) and Defence Engineering Champion, this second Ageing Aircraft event was aimed at facilitating the exchange of ideas between air teams. It also shared best practice as well as providing registrants, and those seeking professional registration, with valuable and relevant professional development.
Following the event, we’ve been able to secure permission from most of the speakers to upload their slides as .pdf files to our community area and you can access these here along with the full programme and speakers’ biographies. There are also some images taken at the event by the MOD which can be viewed here.
If you missed out on our 2016 event you can access the presentations via this blog together with some short audio podcasts here .
Comments from Ray Smith, Aerospace TPN Vice Chairman and Event organiser:
"Today's commercial aircraft fleets, in Europe and North America at least, tend to be highly utilised and often reach their design lives long before the effects of ageing threaten air safety. They are normally disposed of after around 15 years, before the ageing of materials, environmental damage or in-service 'wear and tear' can become hazardous. On the other hand, military aircraft will usually accumulate flying hours at a far slower rate, sometimes in more hazardous environments, and they may remain in service for many decades. As a consequence, risks such as the loss of structural integrity due to fatigue or the failure of mechanical or avionic component or interconnecting system can increase substantially. These risks have to be managed proactively, systematically and diligently - the loss of Nimrod XV230 is just one of many sad examples of what may happen if programmes to deal with aircraft ageing are ignored or skimped on.
As owner of UK military aircraft safety, Defence Equipment and Support air project teams, under the watchful eye of the regulator, the Military Aviation Authority, actively manage these ageing risks on a daily basis, within a rigorous framework of regulation, 'acceptable means of compliance' and guidance introduced following the Nimrod Inquiry.”