Less than one minute read time.
8 November Kieran French gave us an excellent insight into the Celtic Electricity interconnector between

Ireland and France. He was very informative about the type of cables, the conversion stations technology

and the upcoming submarine cable laying operations, when the project gets into motion in the near future
c1dd02feb697f41fe262942ae3ddc3f0-huge-k_french320x320.jpg Kieran French28 May Kevin O'Connor Chairperson NSAI TC3 presented an update on the Standards

for Higher Voltages in Ireland SR: 61936

.a893cf070d9992f31ac6e6fb0fd5756f-huge-01_agm_alangleysq.jpg Aidan Langley

Speaker at our opening 2020 event in the RCPI Dublin on 16 January

Subject:  Incremental Change - Spreading International Best Practice in the Railway Industry