1 minute read time.

I was recently referred to by one of my volunteers as being a ‘Nerd’… cool


This was because I said that my own IET membership number was easy to remember and he replied that he thought I was a Nerd because of it.


Personally though, I consider myself to be more Geek than Nerd


However, in my defence (although I wear my Geek/part Nerd badge with pride) I did state that it was because of the way I remember and memorise things. For me, my IET membership number has a rhythmic pattern in the way it is said which is easy for me to remember.


I’m sure some of you will remember learning the alphabet from watching the television programme ‘Sesame Street’ and some of you (like me) will even admit to singing the tune (we all know it!) in your head when recalling where specific letters sit.

My favourite mnemonic and the one I find I use the most is when it comes to spelling the word 'necessary' (which I even said in my head just then when typing it out... smiley )



I think everyone has a different style of learning and remembering things though. Some by association, by pattern recognition and also mnemonics.

So what's yours?


A self confessed Geek and a HUGE James Bond fan, Lisa is the Online Community Manager for the IET's Engineering Communities online community platform. In her spare time she can usually be found checking her Geek IQ score…


  • Interesting comments Clive. :o) I've always considered a Nerd to simply be a higher level Geek. Geeks, as well as Nerds, can be interested in many different subjects so I wouldn't say that they are just 'software' related i.e. a Computer Geek. I'm a technology Geek and am interested in all things teccy from robots to AV equipment, to cars and smart homes. Yes I know my way around a computer, software and coding but my Geekiness isn't restricted to just that.
  • Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
    Never Eat Shredded Wheat was one from when I was very young.

    Regarding "nerd" and "geek" - meh, call me whatever you want. I love sci-fi books, gaming and I can give you all sorts of useful facts about Arsenal teams in the 90s and early 00s! I couldn't tell you very much about software or any IT though!

    In certain circles I'm witnessing a lot of geek-snobbery: "If you've not read/seen/played XYZ then you're not a real geek" and the like. Give over!
  • Polly Never Uses Serviettes, Just Makes Everything Very Messy - of course, in some circles Polly is no longer considered a planet - but this is what I learned at School.

    It is always necessary to have one Collar and Two Sleeves (one C and two Ss in necessary)

    There is only a little port, left in the bottle.

    I consider myself more geek than nerd also!

  • I have to admit Karla, it's seriously geeky... Probably a GkF4.... It's a way of remembering the digits of PI 3.141592etc. The number of letters in each word of the sentence ;o)
  • No idea what that's for Lisa... My two that I use vaguely regularly (and learnt in primary school) are:

    Richard of York gave battle in vain

    Mother Venus eats marmalade jam sandwiches under neighbours porches