The IET’s Antennas and Propagation Technical Network (APTN) committee held its last virtual event of the year on the 11 December 2024. The one-hour event discussed “New and exciting developments in EM Propagation” and was hosted by Dr Anil Shukla, Dr Richard Rudd and Professor Sana Salous and was moderated by Dr Viktor Doychinov.
Discussions took place on a wide range of topics that included:
the need for long term propagation data,
the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence,
measurements using channel sounders,
measurements in new frequency bands such as the Thz band as well as traditional microwave frequencies,
the use of open-source propagation data,
the use of statistical, real time and forecasting models and
the need to support and develop new propagation talent.
Over 100 people from across 33 countries joined the webinar live.
At the close of the event the APTN Chair, Dr Shukla, thanked the following volunteers who were stepping down from the TN Executive Committee, Dr Lee Ford, Professor Mike Warrington, and Dr Michael Neve, for their support and contribution to the IET APTN committee over a number of years.
Any UK and international members who are interested in volunteering for the Executive team are requested to contact Deborah-Claire McKenzie, the TN Community Manager.
Blog by Dr Anil Shukla, Chair, IET A&P TN