2 minute read time.
As we approached the end of last year we realised we had some funds remaining in our LN educational support budgets.  With gracious permission from HQ we blended the budget items together and contacted three local teachers to provide a modest set of BBC micro:bits to each school.

This week we provided an introduction and training to three teachers who were running STEM teaching programs:

Immaculata High School, Main Street, Ottawa  Programming, engineering, robotics

Garneau High School, Rue Carriere, Orleans  Programming and engineering

Mother Teresa School, Longfields drive, Barrhaven  Technology and programming

We also linked with Steve Evraire, STEM Manager, Employer Connections program, Ottawa Network for Education

Here is what we did, and the initial comments:

  1. We examined the sensor suite on the board, then looked as some of the advanced facilities for radio and headphone output. 

  • We opened the website microbit.org and everyone tried out the block editor, simulator, radios.  There was considerable enthusiasm about the BLE implementation which seems to have been improved to permit download of programs from a tablet.

  • There was universal criticism of the web-based development platform, especially when compared with the integrated environment offered by the Python mu compiler.  It sounded as if everyone was going to be using the Python programming for their students.

  • The project, challenge and curriculum suggestions were all warmly accepted as great starting points - they were impressed with the wealth of different ideas.

  • We also examined the Experimenters Kit offered by Kitronik - this was thought to be a great introduction to engineering concepts and each teacher took one.  They will consider ordering more when they have found the funds.

  • We discussed the allocation of the micro:bits and each said they could used 80 boards in different classes.

  • Steve Evraire mentioned that there could be as many as 30 such teachers in the Ottawa Area and I ventured that we use the experience of this initial group of teachers to seek further sponsorship from local companies etc.


The current semester ends in January and some ideas for follow up included:

  • Contact in about 6 weeks to see how things are going

  • Possible pairing with mentors for each school

  • Project review and presentations in January

  • Perhaps organise a presentation for the IET at the end of the semester?

After the meeting one of the teachers wrote to say he had run his first session with the students, and was already applying to the Ottawa Innovation fund for more boards and more electronics kit.  Our chair, Gareth Wood also provided a link to Pinterest https://www.pinterest.ca/Cassanaca/stem/ for masses of further ideas.

We are now seeking younger members who will be willing to visit the schools to see how this project is developing.

Thanks are expressed to all that were involved in this initiative.

Frank Johnson.