6 minute read time.
On Saturday 28th February 2015, the YPS and LN executive hosted the IET 2015 PATW competition at the NESC Drilling Academy to fourteen excited and competent students.  The competitors ranged from various institutions as UWI, UTT and the Drilling Academy.


(The YPS with the 2015 PATW finalists)

The newly formed Young Professional Section was instrumental in producing an effective event that provided a forum for students to demonstrate their presentation styles, their current research in various engineering and technology topics as well as highlight their interests in these fields.

As thanks for contributing to the development of engineering and technology as well as participating in the event, each person received a token from the IET Trinidad and Tobago Local Network.


The judges table before the competition starts, undoubtedly, this was the focus of every person.


The 2015 PATW competition was opened by the winner of both the 2014 Trinidad and Tobago LN PATW as well as the 2014 Americas Regional Finals, Faheema Baksh, who is also continuing her volunteering with the IET by serving as the Secretary of the YPS.


The Chair of the YPS, Greg Manohar, addresses the audience and the participants moments before the competition begins.


In order to provide an effective and unbiased judging system, specific persons were selected, who could bring different perspectives to the judging criteria.  Andrew Charnley is a businessman with experience in the media environment as well as being a successful presenter.  Dr. Chris Maharaj is a professor in the faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the University of the West Indies.  Colin Chase is an experienced engineer, businessman and member of the IET LN executive.


(Judges Andrew Charnley, Dr. Chris Maharaj, Colin Chase)


(MC keeps the members excited and manages the progression of the event)

Ahmad Mohammed, the PATW Co-ordinator on the LN executive, addresses the participants to remind them about the benefit of the PATW and that they are all winners, simply by competing.


The first competitor, Daniel Ringis, a UWI student, presented on "Mobile Augmented Reality System for Live Cricket Events" and set the tone for the entire competiton.


Following in Daniel's footsteps, was Alvon Campbell, whose presentation on TCMS automation using the "Google Cloud Platform", provided a key insight into the use of available technology to provide enhanced system features to a distribution network.


The performance of the presentations improved as the day progressed and this highlighted the strength of the engineering educational system, with topics ranging from renewable energy to the use of microprocessors in biology.


(Junior Barrack presenting on offshore renewable energy designs that incorporate wind, tidal and solar)


(Varoun Hanooman presents the topic "Microp in Biology")


Javed Mustapha caused the Pavlovian effect with his topic of chocolate production and his passionate account of how the flavour can be enriched through the use of a special technique.



(Tiffanie Bhagwandeen presented on the impact of reducing time, energy and costs thorugh modification of set-up times was clearly beneficial to the members of the engineering discipline)

Alvin Bisnath provided a topic that was befitting the host venue.


In the wake of green engineering and reducing carbon footprints, Shamar James' presentation on "Design of Solar Powered Airplane for Continuous Flight" was key to understanding this paradigm shift.


Energy conservation can be achieved in a variety of methods and Julio Bissessar highlighted this point clearly and passionately with his topic on "Utilization of Waste CO2 Stream from Combined Cycle Power Plant".


The IET PATW enables persons from different engineering disciplines, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Civil, Industrial, etc to come together and compete, thereby allowing for the increased interactions and developments of new ideas and solutions to current problems.

Hannah Abdool demonstrated that even simple ideas are backed by engineering knowledge, as noted in her development of an interactive application to guide persons on their choice of food, in her presentation "Recommend My Dish Capturing Multi-Sensory Preferences".



(Solange Bailey introduced the concept of using robotics as an effective replacement on assembly line systems)

Jameel Huggins' knowledge of the construction and application of solar water heaters was evident in his presentation that focused on the energy savings that can be acquired thorugh this medium.



(Anarion Mason noted that improvements can be achived through the maximisation of various systems in a process)

The final presenter, Akmal Ali, focused on "Steam Power Plant Operation".


The YPS ensured that they promoted the YP Global Challenge to the young participants, especially as they had demonstrated that each of their ideas could be used to solve the world's problems.


(Faheema highlghts the key points of the Global Challenge)

IET events are designed to promote professional development, as such, Andrew provides specific feedback to the participants that will enable them to improve their presentation style and content and which will benefit them for years to come.


The participants receive their packages from Joshua.









The 2015 PATW participants.



(The 8 PATW finalists who will go on to compete in the LN finals)

Special thanks to the manager of the NESC Drilling Academy, Kevin Durham, for providing the use of the facilities.


Moments before the competition, members of both the YPS and LN executives lend a hand in creating the "IET" atmosphere for the competition.



(The current Chair of the LN executive with the the current Chair of the YPS and the YPS treasurer)


(A major benefit to IET events is the networking opportunity with other students, engineers and professionals)


(One of the judges, Andrew Charnley, chatting with the YPS Vice Chair, Joshua Durham)


  • Well done to all of the competitors, and a big thank you to the judges and Trinidad & Tobago Committee for organising this PATW event! IT looks like everything went very smoothly. I hope everyone enjoyed the competition.