1 minute read time.
A short report on the IET French Network participation in the PATW competition.On 7th January 2020, four IET French Network volunteers went to the Arts & Métiers in Châlons-en-Champagne to assist the On Campus group with the PATW competition and IET Day.

2 volunteers, Phil Dunbar and Paul Poncelet acted as judges for the PATW competition, along with Eleanor Asprey from ThincLab, a business incubator. There were four entrants, giving presentations on Balancing off-shore wind turbines, Electricity generation for low-tech communities, Artificial heart solutions and Computer vision. The presentations were all made to a high standard, and were very interesting, provoking questions to probe the entrants' knowledge of their chosen subject, which they all handled well.

All the judges results were very close, but the judges agreed on the winning presentation "Computer Vision" by Aya Cherkaoui Maknassi. Aya presented both the theory of computer vision, as well as her implementation of the algorithms in software. Aya now goes forward to the IET final on 28th March 2020.

Congratulations also to Eloïse Boyet as runner-up with her presentation on "The artificial heart: vast future prospects".

Thanks to Wassim Ben Salah and Imane Ait mbiriq for their excellent presentations, which of course were in English, not their mother tongue.