1 minute read time.
David Bradley presented an excellent talk to Bucks LN and the local CIBSE branch in September.  The title was “Power Quality Monitoring”.  It was a lively, enthusiastic and well-informed talk on the causes of harmonics, and other perturbations, either received from or injected onto public power supplies.  David explained that monitoring systems can be quickly and inexpensively installed.  He emphasised that the information gathered may be used not only reduce harmonics & noise but also to save money.  

Amongst other aspects of the topic, he looked at the problems being encountered from the extensive use of switched mode supplies.  These problems include loads increasingly being leading, rather than lagging, and the impact of skin effects on the sizing of neutral conductors.  David’s talk was well received by an audience of more than 50 (which is high for the LN) including many new faces and a wide cross-section of members.

David is very willing to give talks to other LNs.  He also has a prepared talk on the use of “Battery Energy Storage” inter alia looking at storage of power from renewable sources e.g. PV panels.

David can be contacted at david.bradley@socomec.com or via LinkedIn @davidbradley.  LinkedIn gives a resume of David’s expertise in this area of engineering.