1 minute read time.


Members ot the executive discussed a future of networking, joint events, IET membership benefits and the road to CEng and Chartered Manager with Mr. Sarmad Yaseen (current Chair of the Electrical Division of the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago (APETT), as well as a residing member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)).

Sarmad was pleased to discover the breadth of engineering and technology covered by the IET and commented on its core philosoply being akin to APETT, through the multidisciplinary approach.  The scope of the IET in the Caribbean was also a point of interest as it had members throughout the CSME, totalling about 225 persons.

Mr. Yaseen highlighted his desire to forge alliances with various engineering disciplines that would work together to promte engineering and technology.  This passion was a core reason for him being an active member of the IEEE, APETT as well as the local body of the ISA.  He expressed an interest in becoming a member of the IET, given that it provides a pathway to becoming a chartered engineer as well as a chartered manager.

Sarmed graciously offered to arrange an invitation for the IET executive to speak at the Mass Wood Group company, where the focus would be on engineering development through the assistance of our IPRAs.