1 minute read time.

As part of the support and information we provide as part of the IPD service and in support of IET Advantage members, we are running a series of Q&A Sessions to answer your questions about professional registration and the process of working towards it.

The sessions are designed to be informal so we can answer general queries about the process or requirements for professional registration.

The first session will be run through the IET early career twitter account @ietearlycareer. Please send your questions to @ietearlycareer using #IETAdvantage. We will be answering tweets from 17:00 to 18:00 on 5th December but feel free to tweet in earlier if you have a question you want answered.

If you’re not on twitter then you can follow the queries and responses on the IET Advantage Community page which contains a live feed direct from Twitter.

Following the first session we will be running a follow up discussion forum directly through the IET Advantage community to answer any questions you may have or to answer in detail any questions that are generated from the initial Q&A. - https://communities.theiet.org/communities/home/353

The questions will be answered by Kathryn Bain who runs the IET Initial Professional Development (IPD) Service and has provided support to candidates who are working toward professional registration for 5 years in this role.

We will be running another session early in the new year if you are unable to join this one!