1 minute read time.

If your goal is to achieve CEng, IEng, EngTech or ICTTech you will need to demonstrate evidence of competence as set out in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC). As part of this you are required to demonstrate your technical knowledge and understanding at the appropriate level to underpin the competences.


If you have an accredited or approved academic qualification for your desired category of registration this shows that you have the relevant underpinning knowledge. If, like many others, you do not hold a formal qualification or your qualification is not fully accredited then you may need to undertake some form of further learning.

Further Learning

The IET are not prescriptive with our approach to further learning or how this is achieved.  It can be undertaken either through formal study, work-based learning or a mixture of these.  The assessment of further learning is done as part of the professional registration application process.


There are several options available for formal further learning and the IET can advise on these to help you make an informed choice about the best route for you.


For example, we can provide details of possible programmes, including flexible options with Open University. The Engineering Council provide information about how to achieve professional registration through work-based learning through the Engineering Gateways programmes


To discuss your further learning options with a member of IET staff, please contact the Registration and Standards team at: profreg@theiet.org


Have you achieved professional registration even though you didn’t hold an accredited academic qualification? Why not share your experience with those working toward professional registration in our discussion thread? It may help encourage others in a similar situation.