Less than one minute read time.
3c68c7e2a38c88387a157ba6136ad990-huge-be220farnborough20-web.jpgI liked this interesting and informative article on the RAeS website relating to the Royal Flying Corps crossing over to France in August 2014 at the beginning of the Great War, which I thought I'd share with community members.  Those pioneer airmen were certainly brave flying such flimsy, unreliable and at that point unarmed machines.

Sadly some of them didn’t even make it across the channel. 

Over the four years of the war, the aerial service developed into a force of nearly a third of a million officers and men, 378 squadrons and around 22,000 aircraft.

To read the article please click here.

Did any of your relatives serve in the Royal Flying Corps during the war? 

If you’ve any photographs of them in their machines, please share these with the community by uploading to the images section and we'll link them to this blog.