1 minute read time.
Hopefully by now you will have had a chance to look at the report of our Robot Ethics event held at the Science Museum back in June - if you've missed it you can view it here  

In the planning stages for the event, we had approached Professor Noel Sharkey to be one of the presenters. Sadly, he was not able to join us on this occaision as he had a prior commitment, however he did graciously agree to record some podcasts for us.


Noel is well known for his early work on many aspects of neural computing, machine learning and genetic algorithms. As well as writing many academic articles, he also writes for national newspapers and magazines and has created thrilling robotics museum exhibitions, mechanical art installations and has run robotics and AI contests for young people from 26 countries including the Chinese Creative Robotics Contest and the Egyptian Schools AI and Robotics competition. He was EPSRC Senior Media Fellow (2004-2010) and is a joint team holder of the Royal Academy of Engineering Rooke medal for the promotion of engineering.   

In a series of podcasts for us he covers such emotive subjects as

ethical implications of robots

Healthcare and elder care robots

militarised robots and use in warfare 

morality of robots and autonmous weapons

the philosophy of robot ethics

I do hope you enjoy the podcasts- why not let us know what you think by commenting below?   Who else would you like to see featured?

We are starting to plan our next Robot Ethics event, so if you have any thoughts, again do let us know - you can email me direct