1 minute read time.
In May, one of our exec team members, Sam Wane, travelled to the Channel Islands to deliver several presentations on the subject of Robots in Agriculture.  The mini tour was a huge success and Sam tells us more about it below:

"On 20-22nd May I visited the Channel Islands to talk about agriculture and robotics.

This was sponsored by the IET Robotics & Mechatronics TPN,  and the Channel Islands Group of Professional Engineers, the representative body for the professional engineering institutions in the Channel Islands 

I landed in Guernsey and lectured to Elizabeth College school for boys (12-18)  

Then I was interviewed for a radio programme on BBC Radio Guernsey.  My Guernsey interview 3hr12mins after Wham! 

I was also interviewed by the Guernsey Press newspaper but haven’t heard if I’m in.

And I finished the day with a lecture to professional engineers at the Princess Royal Centre for Performing arts

The next day I flew to Jersey, where I had an interview at the offices of the  Jersey Evening Post


You can see the newspaper clipping below.

And talked at Jersey College for Girls  and chatted with students who are designing a drone for medical supply delivery.

I then gave an after dinner speech for the Jersey branch of professional engineers at the lovely Pomme d’or hotel

Report by Sam Wane
