1 minute read time.
Please note the subject of the SERMS talk on 6 March has changed.Please note the subject of the SERMS talk on 6 March has changed.

It was to be "Plastics in the oceans - how is Scotland helping?" but has now changed to "Collecting scientific data in the Polar Regions"

The speaker is confirmed as Sarah Reed from the Scottish Association of Marine Science (SAMS) and a synopsis of the talk is shown below. I look forward to seeing you there.

Please note the event on the IET Events Calendar is still showing the old talk but will be updated in the next few days.


This talk will explain the work of the Scottish Association of Marine Science (SAMS) in collecting scientific data from both the North and South polar regions.

The aim of working in the Polar Regions is to start to answer some key questions from an ecosystem-based approach. The focus is on developing a quantified understanding of the changes happening by answering questions on what controls the spatial and temporal structure and functioning of polar ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles and how these will affect the Polar Regions in the future.

One of the projects has been working on the British Antarctic Survey Research Vessel on board the RRS James Clark Ross to conduct 6-week research cruises over the past 3 years to collect data as part of the Changing Arctic Ocean Programme. The programme has been funded by the Natural Environment Research Council.

What sort of data do SAMS collect and how is it used? The talk will cover everything from Sea Gliders, ROVs, CTDs, Oxygen Titrations, microplastics, to name but a few.