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Sixteen ‘Year in Industry’ Students join ScottishPower

With the shortage of engineers within the Scottish manufacturing and energy sector remaining high profile within media reports, it is refreshing to see a forward thinking company, like ScottishPower take the initiative in securing and attracting the best of engineers of the future.

The 16 Sixteen school leavers have just started  a year long innovative but challenging placement with the leading energy company through The Year in Industry programme run by nationwide charity the Engineering Development Trust (EDT), as part of ScottishPower’s drive to secure a sustainable skilled workforce.

Students will work across many sites in Central Scotland; each will have a dedicated mentor and a robust work schedule. EDT have run the programme successfully for the past 28 years for pre and undergraduate students, also providing students with a management course to gain a Diploma in First Line Management through the Chartered Management Institute. This course has 3 residential weeks plus nine tough assignments to complete in their own time as well as their daily work with the company’s networks businees, SP Energy Networks.

The innovative and pioneering Year in Industry programme, has been delivered by the Engineering Development Trust since 1986 and continually proves successful, in forming long lasting partnership with companies and engineering students

Duncan McSporran, EDT Scotland Director says; The Year in Industry is the ultimate work experience for hard working students, while allowing companies to identify, influence and retain the very best of their future staff. Combining work experience with a challenging business course gives a first class opportunity for both students and companies.

Stephen Kelly, Resourcing Manager SP Energy Networks said:

 “The Year in Industry programme is a valuable development programme and is an important link in our engagement strategy, introducing new young people to the wider careers available in the Electricity Supply Industry.  The students deliver key projects while they are in the business which benefits the business in delivering success for our customers, however just as importantly provides the students with key skills which provide an excellent foundation for further education or employment”

As part of the EDT continuum range of STEM tasters, projects and placements, The Year in Industry has proven successful time and time again, and many leading companies like Scottish Power are taking full advantage of enriching their future talent pipeline.

For further information on the Engineering Development Trust and The Year in Industry in Scotland please call contact Caroline Jardine-Smith on 0141 548 4152 or email c.jardine-smith@etrust.org.uk