1 minute read time.
Today's speaker highlight features Professor Rob EdgecockThe European Spallation Source (ESS) is currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, and is one of the largest scientific infrastructure projects in the world. About 30% of the total construction cost is being supplied as in-kind contributions from more than 40 European partners, including the UK, and from others world-wide.

This presentation will give an overview of the ESS and its purpose and describe the current construction status. It will also describe one of the UK in-kind contributions, the RF distribution system. This is now finished and is one of the largest in-kind contributions to complete so far.

Speaker Bio

Rob Edgecock is Professor of Accelerator Applications at the University of Huddersfield, having previously also worked at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. He has been working on accelerator R&D since 1999, initially for research, but now also for applications in the medical and environmental areas. He became involved in the ESS in 2015 and was the PI of the RFDS project.

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