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Click here for the IET Ottawa Newsletter  - Spring 2014

Highlights include:

  • Present Around the World competitions in 2013 and 3 May 2014

  • Messages from Editor Colin Billowes and Chairman David Mann

  • Heaviside medal awarded to Canadian astronaut Chris Hatfield

  • Dr Stanley Hamstra presentation at 2013 AGM

  • The strategy for IET Americas region

  • Report on Council from Edwin Morton

  • Agreement between IET Ottawa and PEO Ottawa Chapter

  • National Science and Technology Week 2013

  • Dr Habash presentation on promoting sustainability in engineering

  • IET Ottawa Cricket Match

  • IET Ottawa on Twitter

The IET Americas Newsletter can be found here.

Amish partie84df18b7077ff80062f9011d186c24d-huge-amish-at-regional-patw.jpgcipated at the recent Americas Regional Finals of the Present Around the World competion.  His presentation was entitled, "ANew Hybrid Renewable Energy System (HRES) Architecture”.  Amish received his B.Sc and M.A.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Queen’s University and he 1a3097f6f2f519fc2f6dd31b1f59f26e-huge-edwin-and-amish-at-vcw.jpgcurrently works at Ciena Inc.  Many of the spectators commented on the high level of the PATW presentations this year.  


Edwin Morton was a delegate from the Ottawa Network at the Volunteers Conference held the same weekend. He served as a panelist on the discussion on how the IET can work with other technical organizations.

A million thanks to Sue Leclerc, our volunteer photographer for the weekend.  

MOU between Ottawa Chapter of PEO and IET Ottawa Network