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Swinburne Sarawak IET (SSIET) On Campus hosted a dinner in September 2019 to celebrate its achievement in winning the IET On Campus Group of the Year Award (GOTYA). The dinner also served to appreciate the effort by each committee member throughout the term, as well as to network with the advisors and newly elected committee team.

The dinner was held at Rock Road Seafood Restaurant, Kuching, Malaysia. A total of 33 members attended the event: 2 advisors, 12 old committee members, 17 new committee members, and 2 alumni. The advisors who attended were Dr. Chua Hong Siang and Mr. Lawrence Ting Sii Ying.
SSIET has been running since 2010 and has been particularly active in the IET Present Around The World competition, in addition to organizing events such as workshops, site visits, technical talks, sports activities, team-building, competitions, fundraising and community service opportunities.
In June 2019, SSIET had been announced as the winner of GOTYA. This is the first time a Malaysian team made it this far.
During the celebration dinner, the committee team looked back on the entire SSIET journey - from a humble beginning almost ten years ago, to a globally recognized On Campus group. The team also shared information on best practices, so that the next committee team would be able to adopt and maintain the standards.

As an active IET On Campus group, SSIET organized 43 events between April 2018 to April 2019 alone. SSIET continuously seeks to arrange interesting and innovative events that will benefit the local and international communities.
Although the 2018/19 committee team has retired, the SSIET spirit lives on… “Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits!”

Reported by Peter Ling


