1 minute read time.


Would you like to meet up with fellow-engineers from other organisations? Do you want to expand your own skills while contributing something to your profession? Are you interested in attracting the next generation of engineers? What ideas do you have for your local IET community?

We are always looking for volunteers who have an interest and want to contribute to the work of the committee. IET membership is only required for Officer roles, otherwise men and women of all ages are welcome. We always encourage ‘new blood’ to refresh our Network and the widest possible range of people will help us to maximise our relevance in Swindon.
When you are ready to become involved, please contact our Chairman Walter Featherstone to express an interest via email - Swindon@ietvolunteer.org . You do not need lots of spare time – many of us are busy people. As a volunteer the area of involvement and the amount of time you spend is up to you.
Attached is a list of the types of our activities and the current volunteers carrying them out. 
Also included are a number of vacancies on the committee.