1 minute read time.
On the weekend of the 19/20 August, CCAP held a Communities Volunteer Conference (CVC) in Auckland, New Zealand.  For those who were there - thank you very much for your attendance.  I really appreciate you giving up your weekend, and I hope you found it useful.  

For those who weren't there, unfortunately we were limited on the numbers we could invite, but each Local Network (LN) should have had at least one attendee, and they will be talking to rest of the committee about what they learned over the weekend.  To help them do this, I created a PDF of my slides on CCAP and the CCAP Strategy, and have attached them to this blog post - there's nothing secret in there!  If you're interested in what I talked about, then please take a look smiley.

I'd like to offer my hearty congratulations to those people and networks who won awards over the weekend :

- The AP Present Around the World Winner: Rovik Olsen

- Best Budget Plan: Brunei

- Most Innovative Event/Initiative:New South Wales, Australia

- Most Improved Group: Singapore and Western Australia

- Best Use of Engineeing Communities: Victoria, Australia

- Best Local Network Presentation: Simon from Brunei and Leon from Western Australia

Leon Ha was awesome, and live streamed some of the awards being presented, and also the Maori cultural performance at the networking dinner. Go to the links below to check them out...

I enjoyed meeting many of you, and having such interesting discussions.  It was an amazing group of enthusiastic people, and with that sort of energy we can accomplish much smiley.

More additional blog posts will be coming about the CCAP CVC and it's content, stay tuned for more!

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