1 minute read time.
Whenever I arrive at Kings Cross station in transit to Savoy Place, I’ve always wondered if they ever test the buffers at the end of the platform to see if they will actually stop an ‘out of control’ speeding train doing some 90 mph? 

Not that it will ever happen given the level of technology present to prevent such an occurrence, but it is something that I’ve always wondered about. It’s also something that I wouldn’t mind seeing if they ever did test them… So any of you Safety or Railway Engineers out there, give me a call if you hear of anything! cool


I had another ‘inner Sheldon Cooper’ moment yesterday... At Covent Garden tube station I overheard a small child asking his mother why it was so windy in the underground tunnels. I resisted the temptation to launch into a full on explanation of the piston effect and how it also acts as a cooling mechanism for the underground, leading onto the issues surrounding keeping the temperature down throughout the entire tube network… Although I did have to bite my lips together quite hard to stop the words coming out.. wink


Maybe I should go along to the IET Railway Network Young Professionals Quiz night  on the 10th October where I’m sure to find some likeminded people?

 While I’m on the subject of the London Underground, I’d really like one of these! Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “Sound of the underground”.  
  • Hi Lisa. You'd be more than welcome to come along to the Railway Quiz on 10 October, as would anyone else, whether they are in a team or as an individual. People just need to go to the Railway My Community page and click on the quiz night event entry to get the registration link.


    Deborah-Claire McKenzie

    CRM for the Railway Network