1 minute read time.
I don’t watch much television...

Actually I should say that I’m just ‘choosy’ in what I watch. I can’t simply sit in front of it and watch whatever happens to be on. However, there are particular programmes that I like and will make time to see such as The Big Bang Theory (of course) and the wonderful recent BBC series ‘Sherlock’ (another programme that makes being ‘odd’ rather cool cool )

Broadcasting, television and the way in which we watch it have become more and more advanced since I was a child (which wasn’t that long ago really...) with the introduction of satellite and cable TV, Digital Television, High Definition, 3D, Internet TV and On Demand services. Which leads me to wonder, where does it go next? Where is television and broadcasting heading in the future?


I’m going to the annual John Logie Baird Lecture: 2012, the biggest change in TV for a generation   (organised by the IET Multimedia Communications Network) at Savoy Place on the 18th October to satisfy my curiosity…


It’s also being filmed and will be available ‘On Demand’ from IET.tv after the event.

How’s that for progress…?!  smiley
  • Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
    I'm looking forward to this. The JLB is brilliant every year, even for simple non-engineers such as myself :)
  • Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
    I'm looking forward to this. The JLB is brilliant every year, even for simple non-engineers such as myself :)
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