11 minute read time.


Formula North 2015

This is the third year Toronto LN is sponsoring the event. Anyone interested in participating, please email iet.toronto@theiet.org    more...

Are you interested in the topic of Patent? If so, then attend a free session "Patents 101: Hot Topics for Patenting Your Invention". more...

Meeting with IET Past-President, Barry Brooks

Speech title: “(IET) Members who make a Difference”

Barry will speak to IET members, guests and visitors at the Toronto Local Network event, highlighting some IET achievements in his term as President. He will explain planned improvements to IET Governance, and ask for members’ ideas on how to strengthen the IET in Canada. This is an opportunity for members to express their opinions on how to improve the value and future role of the IET both in the UK and in North America... more

Award Presentation at Sheridan College


Sheridan College Faculty of Applied Science & Technology Academic Awards Ceremony was held on 24th September 2015. Jenny Yu presented the Stan Thurger Award on behalf on the IET. 

The award was named after the late Stan Thurger who played a vital role in the birth and growth of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering.The award started in 2005, the funds were endowed and the interest is awarded annually. The award is for Sheridan students only. The criteria for this award is "Academic excellence in the first year of a 3 year Engineering Technology Program with a manufacturing bias." The 2014  award recipient is Jonathan Andrew Luong. Johnathan is in the Mechanical Engineering Technician/Technology Design and Drafting Program. 


Want to know more about the event "Engineer your Why" held in April 2014? Here is the link.

You can also start a discussion about the event on-line here after login with your IET account.

A message from the Chair of your Toronto LN

Dear IET Toronto Local Network Members,


I am contacting you to announce the IET Toronto LN Event Calendar for the 2014-15 Session and the final technical presentation event and Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the 2013-14 Session.


The final technical presentation event and AGM for the 2013-14 Session will take place on 18th September 2014 at the McMaster Automotive Resource Centre (MARC), McMaster University, Hamilton, 105-175 Longwood Road South, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 0A1. You will receive a flyer for the event, or can download it via the network portal.


The agenda for the evening is as follows:


1. The technical presentation is titled: “Challenges for the Future of Power Electronics, the UK Power Electronics Strategy”, and will be presented by Prof. Volker Pickert from Newcastle University, UK.


2. The AGM will follow the technical presentation. Items on the agenda are:

2.1. Report from the Chair

2.2. Programme of events for the forthcoming 2014-15 Session.

2.3. Report from the Treasurer.

2.4. Election of committee non-executive members.

2.5. Young Members section.


3. The technical presentation and AGM will be followed by a tour of the McMaster Automotive Resource Centre (MARC).


We are always looking for new volunteers to take an active part in the working of the LN Committee. If you would like to put your name forward please contact me before the evening.


The IET Toronto LN Event Calendar for the 2014-15 Session and flyer for the final technical presentation event and AGM for the 2013-14 Session are linked with this messagel.


I look forward to meeting you at the meeting and the forthcoming events planned for the forthcoming 2014-15 Session.


Best regards


Nigel Schofield

Chair, IET Toronto LN



Nigel Schofield B.Eng.(Hons), Ph.D., C.Eng., MIET, MIEEE

Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

McMaster University 

1280 Main Street West, ITB-A310 

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4K1 

Phone: 1-905-525-9140 ext 21995 

Fax: 1-905-521-2922 

E-mail: nigels@mcmaster.ca


Click below for Fotmula North 2014 pictures.

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4

Formula North 2014

IET Toronto has sponsored the Formula North 2014 event. 

Technical lectures about Formula Noth is held on May 22 from 9:30 am to 4 pm. Contact iet.toronto@theiet.org for tickets.

The Engineer Your Why event was a resounding success and the audience enjoyed an entertaining, fun afternoon and left totally inspired and energized by the experience.

We were fortunate to have a mixture of High School students, University under-grads, Young & Mature Engineers, plus one retired C Eng.

The organizing team for the Event comprised Nigel Schofield (C Eng, Chair of IET Toronto), George Chelvanayagam (C Eng, IPRA Ontario), Shawn Wassermann (MIET, Secretary), Jenny Yu (MIET, Treasurer & Web-master) and Jim McConnach (FIET). We were fortunate to have http://www.engineering.com/  as the Platinum Media Sponsor for the event.

A presentation on Energy Modelling in building.

Engineer Your Why

On April 26, come to Gravenhurst, Muskoka to experience the Energy & Inspiration from participating in one of Gerry Visca’s WHY sessions. Also find out how the IET can help Engineers and Technologists Live their WHY.

To get a flavour of the session, see Sample.

For information and to Register see:  EngineerYourWhy

Interested un Formula North networking event?

Goto http://us7.campaign-archive2.com/?u=d096787e6345ed9fe1a01f8fc&id=7667017b63&e=7a6a60efd5

Here's the IET Americas newsletter!

Putting IET Toronto on the map. Member news.

Start of IET.TV webcast -->

Strengthening Confidence in Engineering

Kim Allen

From: Hearn Lecture 2013, 10 August 2013, Toronto, Canada

2013-09-10 00:00:00.0 News Channel

>> go to webcast>> recommend to friend

End of IET.TV webcast -->

Hearn Lecture is in PEO's magazine Engineering Dimensions!

Watch "The Global Energy Challenge Lecture at Villanova - by Daniel Nocera"

Get Newson Gale Grounding and Bonding Handbook for free!

Calling all power enginers - an opportunity not to be missed!. Limited space.


Toronto MyCommunity was ranked as a top on-line community in IET in 2013. This could not have been possible without your support. Thank you! Please come back often to keep updated about us. We have also set up a blog to have your opinion and suggestion.

Go to 
https://communities.theiet.org/groups/blogs/250 to have your voice.  Let us know your opinion! 

In compliance with tIET privacy policy, we will remove files that contain personal names with address, unless agreement is obtained with the person. 

Gift for you

We will be giving out the Hearn event mug in our coming events. First-come-first served until all gone!


Thank you to Mr Kim Allen, CEO of Engineers Canada for his presentation "Strengthening Confidence in Engineering" at the 2013 Hearn Dinner and Lecture on 10 August.  It was an excellent evening and we appreciate the support of our sponsors IEEE, Morrison Hershfield, Ontario Power Authority, Ontario Power Generation, IMechE, CIBSE, CREE, Cooper Lighting,Rutenberg Sales, and Salex. 

Thank you to the members of the Hearn Planning Committee: Jenny Yu, Mohamed Nizam, Jim McConnach, and Tony Cutner (not shown in photo George Chelvanayagam).

Click to view feedbacks from event participants. 






Here are more photos from the evening.  Greg Duggan, Tony Cutner, and Alyssa Randall were recognized for their assistance with the planning of the volunteers conference.  

There was a special award to longstanding members of the Institution: Michael Henville (member since 1964), George Woolley (1953), Thomas Rowlands (1943), Jim McConnach (1964).  Not shown Melvin Chan (1962), Eric Blanchard (Montreal, 1958), Anthony Bonney (1962).

Jim received the unofficial award for "Best Kilt".


Earlier in the day, Cody participated in the regional final of the Present around the World competition.  His presentation was entitled, "The Bunsen Bag: An Aid for Solar Water Disinfection in Developing Nations".  He received is B.Eng. in environmental engineering from University of Guelph and is currently working for Kilmaat Consulting and Innovation.






Toronto was well represented at the volunteers conference the same weekend.  George Chelvanayagam, Tony Cutner, Greg Duggan, Charles Gilmour, Michael Henville, Matthew Jelavic, Jim McConnach, Mohamed Nizam, Alyssa Randall, and Nigel Schofield attended.  Tony opened the conference with a hilarious icebreaker with Mia Jovic from Calgary.  Jim was a panelist on the discussion on how the IET can work with other technical organizations.

f28d7d6f01e47e416b7647b5af18b8ff-huge-shaw-wasserman.jpgWelcome to new member Shawn Wasserman!  Within hours of signing up as a member, he became the newly elected secretary of the Toronto Network!


Do you know where our Toronto members are distributed? Click  for the answer (prepared May 2013 by Tony Cutner)

We are trying to find a central location for our events so that You will be there. We value your presence! 

Thank you Tony for the work behind the scene to get the demographic!


Would you like to have some freebies?

Click below to find out more!





Click here for May 2013 Toronto NewsBit.




We are collaborating with IMechE to serve you better! The Toronto Community will post events organized by IMechE; IET members and associates are welcome to attend all events posted. By including a varieties of events, we aim for topics that will interest you. If there is a particular topics that you want us to organize, please let us know by emailing whyu@iee.org.


Interested in attending Committee meeting via the internet? Contact Jenny Yu via whyu@iee.org