1 minute read time.
Congradtulations to Diego Valencia Garcia to be PATW Toronto LN 2017-18 winner. Good luck to your next level competition in Ottawa in the summer. Congradtulations also go to John Morrison to be the runner-up. 

It has been an issue in the last couple of years for Toronto LN as to who would organize the PATW. As the one who is determined to make sure that the event happens this year, I am happy to see that the 2017-18 Toronto PATW final was the outcome of a team work.

We have Ashish helped booking a venue in Toronto, Nan prepared a PATW flyer to notified McMaster University students, Alyssa prepared a PATW flyer distributed to other universities, Timothy offered to coordinate with refreshments, and Prof. Bob Dony offered to be a judge. However, we have no entries responded to us except from those of McMaster after the deadline for entry has passed. Good job, Nan!

Thank you Pira, a technical staff from GM (General Motor Company) to be a judge. Thank you ZiPan for booking the room for competition at McMaster at a short notice. We moved the competition venue to McMaster so that we could get more competitors to participate. 

A special thank you is also dedicated to Prof. Nigel Schofield for participated as a judge and also for encouraging students to participate. The importance of a good role model cannot be stressed enough.

Thank you to everyone who had helped.