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The Institute of Engineering & Technology (IET) On Campus of UCSI University has successfully conducted their first 3D Printer Workshop on the 27th and 28th July 2019. This workshop aims to provide a comprehensive review of additive manufacturing technology to students in addressing various types of real-world problems. Through this workshop, students are able to learn about the theoretical knowledge of 3D modelling as well as to gain extensive practical experiences via the assembly and calibration of 3D printers. Furthermore, they are also exposed to the proper skills of handling the slicing software and some useful guidelines to evaluate the quality of 3D printed products. 

A total of 35 students from different disciplines including engineering, business and optometry, divided into eight groups, have participated in this 2-day 3D Printer Workshop. At the beginning of workshop, a brief introduction and basic knowledge of 3D printer was presented to the participants by Mr Ngo Kah Lock, the organizing chairperson. This is followed by a series of extensive hands-on session that began with the assembly of 3D printer. During the assembly process, all participants learned about the mechanical components and operating mechanisms of a 3D printer. They also acquired the practical skills in handling the electrical components of 3D printer through the installation of different sensors and actuators, as well as interfacing these components with microcontroller to ensure the functionality of 3D printer. Different ideas have been brainstormed among the trainers and participants in troubleshooting the technical issues encountered during the assembly process. 

Assistant Professor Dr Tiang Sew Sun and Assistant Professor Dr Lim Wei Hong, the club advisor of UCSI IET On Campus have expressed their encouragement to all committee members. “The response of this 3D printer workshop is unbelievably overwhelmed as you can see there are participants from other faculties. It shows that the technology advancement brought by Industry 4.0 have impacted everyone regardless of their disciplines. We are really proud of the team and we hope that the success of this 3D printer workshop can motivate our committee members to organize more impactful events that stay relevant to Industry 4.0 in the future.”