1 minute read time.
You may already be aware that the Engineering Council have released an update to the UK-SPEC and ICTTech Standards.


From 20 April 2015, the new editions have been implemented by the IET; this includes new level descriptors for each of the competence statements within IET Career Manager which were launched as part of the recent service release.


New to Career Manager or just starting out?


If you are new to Career Manager, or are just starting to undertake Initial Professional Development (IPD) then nothing will change for you and you can start a review against the latest version of the competences.  You can view the guidance on how to do this at: www.theiet.org/cm-training or log in and work your way through the on screen guidance in the quick launch tool.


Already using Career Manager for IPD?


For those already using Career Manager to undertake competence development, your evidence will still be recorded against the competences you have already assessed.  At your next review, you should carefully read the guidance note for your current assessed level to see if there is anything else you can add, but otherwise this remains the same.  The full list of changes to UK-SPEC can be found on the Engineering Council website:


You will need to consider the new competence, E5, which has been added to each of the professional registration categories and this focusses on ethics and ethical practice.  If you want further guidance on how to demonstrate this competence, you can view the Engineering Council Statement of Ethical Principals or view the range of information and case studies on the IET careers website at: http://www.theiet.org/membership/career/ethics/.


If you have any queries about how the changes to UK-SPEC affect you, or if you would like further support with Career Manager then please don’t hesitate to contact us at: career-manager@theiet.org.