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The IET is seeking member views on the Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition PlanWe plan to submit a response to at least some of the questions, using your feedback. 

The Scottish Government strategy focuses on developing a route map of actions to deliver a flourishing net zero energy system that supplies affordable, resilient and clean energy to Scotland’s workers, households, communities and businesses by 2045.  With a focus on 2030, the strategy sets out the policy positions and actions for the Scottish and UK Governments to take.  The aim is to create the conditions for a net zero energy system that benefits all Scottish communities and ensures national, regional and local energy economies can thrive.  It aims to make Scotland innovative and competitive in domestic and international markets, a home for a multi-skilled energy workforce, boosting Scottish supply chains and manufacturing capabilities.

We would like your thoughts on areas where you have knowledge and experience.  We won’t be replying to all the questions. In particular, it’s unlikely that we’ll respond to questions around oil, gas and agriculture.  If you’d like to feed back, please send details including question numbers by email to Andrew Rylah, arylah@theiet.org, and writing ‘Energy Strategy Consultation’ in the subject line.

I’d be very pleased to incorporate your feedback in our submission.  Please send in responses by COB Monday 17 April..

  • Admirable aspirations. My experience of capital and development investments tells me that establishing the sources of funding and the impact on prices to utility users. Has any work been done on these aspects?

  • Admirable aspirations. My experience of capital and development investments tells me that establishing the sources of funding and the impact on prices to utility users. Has any work been done on these aspects?
