1 minute read time.

On March 20th, The Chairman, David and Treasurer visited the UTT, Point Lisas Campus, at the invitation of Dr. Curtis Boodoo, who,  requested that  the IET LN  assist with the formation of an On Campus Network at the UTT.

On this visit, presentations were made to both students and members of the UTT faculty outlining a brief overview of the IET and its many benefits. They spoke in particular about the formation of the On Campus Network, and the office holders required for the formation of the Network.


Eng. Anthony spoke about the importance of professional registration, and the benefits it brings to those on whom registered status is conferred.

The session was very well attended, and it live streamed to the UTT campuses in Port of Spain (John S. Donaldson Technical Institute) and San Fernando (San Fernando Technical Institute). Students at these off-site locations were able to fully participate in the session, with questions being received from the audiences there.

The evening ended with a tour by Dr. Boodoo of some of the research being undertaken by the UTT in the area of alternative energy, and an invitation was extended to visit at another time for a more in depth tour.

The IET TT Local Network  look forward to the formation of an On Campus Network at the UTT as well as assisting them in their future endeavours regarding accreditation and other beneficial facilities on behalf of the IET.