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On Thursday 15th October 2015 Mick Ross visited the new University Technical College, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0SZ, at 8.20am and gave three x 25-minute talks/workshops and one-to-one sessions, to four groups of between eight and fifteen 14-19 year-old student apprentices.  The idea was to provide students with a greater insight into Engineering career opportunities. It was one of four STEM initiatives at the college for career events from September to December.

At the sessions, Mick gave an overview of 'What we do' at the IET, and let them know the value of C Eng, I Eng, Eng Tech and ICT Tech registration with the Engineering Council, and the 'Routes to Registration'. He also let them know about his own experiences as an Incorporated Engineer.

On the day, more broadly, students experienced three other interactive workshops with local engineering company representatives, and had the opportunity to ask questions about career choices, career pathways, working conditions, job roles and responsibilities, in order that they reflect on learning, aspiration and future careers.

Pictured with Mick Ross is Peter Callingham who is one of the students Mick spoke to, and who is looking for engineering apprenticeships in the local area.

We wish him, and all the UTC students, well in their endeavours.