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The Volunteers Conference Asia Pacirfic took place together with the PATW AP Regional Final and ANZ YP meeting in Auckland 19 - 20 August 2017.  Over 50 representatives from 10 countries including our guests from UK:  Alex , Head of Communities and Events and Tom, Board of Trustees Treasurer joined the Conference.  We all enjoyed the inspiring talk by Professor Simpson not to mention having lots of fun when competing for the “Funniest table” Award at Annual Dinner.   Thanks Auckland Network’s volunteers and CC-AP team for their hard work!!


AP CVC delegates


Dinner at CVC: Fun time!

Attendees' feedback:

“Was an absolute privilege to be apart of and to meet so many giving, stupidly talented hustling young professionals that have these incredible ideas. It was awesome to see the work you've done in your local networks…” (Julia Zhou, Auckland YP)

Well done  Leon and WA YPS team for livestreaming the event (nearly 3k viewers) and the cool video they produced with PATW Contestants introducing themselves in their native languages: video  The video was displayed at the competition and the Conference dinner.

CONGRATULATIONS TO WA Network for winning several AP Awards:

Most Improved Network Award in Asia Pacific WA & Singapore

Best Presentation for Networks:  Leon the presenter for WA

PATW AP Regional Final:  Rovik, WA


PATW Asia Pacific Final Winner Rovik with WA Network volunteers


ANZ YP meeting with Alex joining us

During the IET ANZ YP meeting in Auckland, we had good discussions with Alex about different issues and it was our first time to invite the Main Committee/Senior Committee members to join the meeting, we learnt a lot from their feedback..  The Leadreship Program video (by WA YPS) was first shown at the meeting, everyone is impressed by the team doing such a great job! This will be used to promote the LP in 2018!

 A fruitful and enjoyable time in Auckland, I look forward to the next Asia Pacific Volunteers Conference and to meet up with the WA volunteers in Australia!

 Winnie Lee

 Community Relationship Manager, Asia Pacific