1 minute read time.
So you may ask, why is this blog called Engenuity? We haven’t just made up a new word to look clever. It does mean something. Something that is crucial to why the IET does what it does.

Engenuity is our word for finding the solutions that overcome today’s engineering and technology challenges.

The challenges that engineers face in the workplace or academics have in finding the latest research are ones that the IET can solve – whether that’s through the events we run, the journals we publish or the indexing service we provide.

This blog will showcase some of our solutions.

If you are a practicing engineer who wants to update your knowledge we have a range of products that can help you get that knowledge whilst demonstrating your continuing professional development.

If you are a researcher who wants to find the best journal to get published in, then we will tell you about all the services we provide to enable you to do this.

Or perhaps you are an IET Member who wants to connect with other Members around the world.

The IET is the place where you can do all of this.

This blog will provide you with some ideas and signposts so that you can find more about the solutions we provide to the engineering and technology community.

And importantly we want this blog to be a two way conversation. We won’t be using this blog to re-purpose articles or press releases. We want to hear from you about whether the solutions we have are achieving what we think they should be. We want to hear about your ideas on how we can innovate and how we can meet the changing needs of engineers and academics. We will try to respond to all comments.

So make sure you follow this blog and let us bring out the Engenuity in you!