4 minute read time.

On the 5th - 6th January 2019, the IET YPS in Malaysia organized a fun-filled team building event at the Carpe Diem Orchard Home in Serendah.

For this event, the YPS Malaysia has invited other professional bodies and young professional sections from the neighboring region, this includes representatives from the IET Communities Committee Asia Pacific (CC-AP), IET YPS Singapore, IET YPS Brunei, IET YMS Hong Kong, and Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) Young Engineers Section (YES). The main aim of this event is to let OnCampus leaders from different Universities in Malaysia network and form strong teamwork in the coming year. The OnCampuses from Malaysia who attended this event are:  UTAR, UNITEN, UCSI, Swinburne, UoSM, Heriott Watt, Taylor's, USM, MMU Cyberjaya, MAHSA, TARUC and UiTM. The theme of the team building is "A Magical Place" and it was thoughtfully organized by Jia Shern, who is the YPS Secretary for 2018/2019 term.

The event started up with an ice-breaking session led by our beloved YP committee, Lucas. The participants are given various tasks to be fulfilled and were given simple punishments if they could not finish the tasks on time. 


Near the end of the session, the participants are split into 4 groups based on various traits shown by them during the first activity. After that, the participants were asked to stick to their groups during the whole teambuilding session. Various team building games were carried out in the afternoon, where participants performed various missions and games which are physically and mentally challenging. 


When the sun is setting, and teams bonded, the participants were given the freedom to explore and enjoy the beautiful scenery in the Carpe Diem resort. The "kampung" style resort, which was designed by a retired engineer himself, was originally an orchard, situated in Serendah, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.  Here, the participants are free to collect and enjoy any fresh fruits they find.


When it's finally dark, and the participants couldn't explore further, dinner was finally served.  During the dinner session, the OnCampus members get to interact with members from the local network main committee, YPS as well as the invited guests from other regions and organizations. This allows them to understand IET better as a whole, and how the OnCampus plays an important role in the continuing professional development of the IET members.

Later at night, a sharing session was held, with invited speakers from the IET Malaysia, Ir. Jimmy, Mr. Michael Yong, Dr. Kok, Ir. Amir, and the chair-lady of the IET Malaysia Network, Dr. Leong. They shared various topics, ranging from personal development, professional engineering, to career progression. 

After a long but exciting sharing session, the participants are ready for food again! So to make it different from the dinner, the YPS Malaysia committee organized a fantastic BBQ session! 


With their bellies filled up with food, and their brains with knowledge from the sharing session, the participants retreated to their assigned rooms and took a good nights rest. 

The night pass and morning came, still groggy from waking up, the participants were asked to gather in the activity area to start a brand new day. 

With Ir. Amir leading the pack, the participants did a series of warm up activities before breakfast. In the final warm-up activity, the students were asked to collect a few types of different fruits around the orchard. The fruits were then prepared and distributed amongst the participants to be enjoyed with breakfast. What a healthy way to start your day!

After breakfast, the students were treated to a sharing session by Dr. Siong, the chairman of IET CCAP who gave an introduction to the upcoming regional level Faraday challenge, which will be held in Brunei this year, along with updates on events handled by CCAP.  The YPS also took the opportunity to brief the students on the new IET YPS event proposal and reporting system, which is hosted online, and the new criteria for the YPS Malaysia Best OnCampus award.

Each OnCampus was also given a 5-minute slot to give a quick presentation about their upcoming events planned. The team building event ended with a final lunch session before everyone leaves the carpe diem resort, with new bonds forged, and a renewed enthusiasm as IET volunteers.


Here's what our invited guests have to say about the event:

And do watch our event highlights: