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  • IET Engineering Open House Day 2016 - Aberdeen Science Centre

    IET Engineering Open House Day 2016 - Aberdeen Science Centre

    Aberdeen Science Centre in partnership with Shell  Aberdeen Science Centre, 179 Constitution Street, Aberdeen, AB24 5TU  Date:  30th July 2016 Time:  13.00  Follow on Facebook Join us for the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Open House day at Aberdeen Science Centre, on Saturday 30th July, in partnership with Shell and IET. Delve deeper into the wonders of engineering by meeting local engineers, attending exciting presentations and trying out hands on activities. Doors open at 13.00 with activities running till 19.00. No need to book, just come along! Most suitable for - parents and young people aged 8 . This event is free to attend. Watch this space for further details about the day. About:  After the success of last year's inaugural event, the IET Engineering Open House Day…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Southern California Edison Advanced Technology Labs Visit

    Southern California Edison Advanced Technology Labs Visit

    On the 28th June, Members and guests of the SoCal LN were fortunate enough to be able to visit the Advanced Technology Labs of Southern California Edison in Pomona California.  The Pomona facility comprises the Advanced Energy Storage Lab (AES) and the Electric Drive Systems Lab (EDS).  Behind those rather bland titles are several significant projects in tune with the times.  Since Edison’s business is now primarily transmission and distribution, those are what the projects address.  Common to hybrid and electric vehicles and to most renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, is the requirement for energy storage and management.   Therefore much of the work addresses that in its various aspects.  The AES Lab evaluates battery and power electronics systems over a range of environmental…

    Richard Tregaskes
  • Solar Car Challenge 2016

    Solar Car Challenge 2016

    Another successful Solar Car challenge 2016 organized by The Cyprus Institute in cooperation with the Nicosia Municipality took place in the heart of the capital on Sunday, June 26, 2016. The opening of the 2016 race took place on Saturday, 25 June, with a spectacular parade of the 10 solar vehicles which crossed the Ledra and Onasagorou streets, ending at Freedom Square where the public had the chance to admire these unique cars, designed and built by students of high schools and technical schools that participated in the race. The Award Ceremony was held at the Nicosia Town Hall, and the prizes were awarded by the Mayor of Nicosia Constantinos Yiorkadjis, Mayor of Kythrea Dr. Petros Kareklas, and the Vice President of Research of The Cyprus Institute Prof. Euripides Stephanou. The Associate…

    Christos Christou
  • Opinion: The big reason women drop out of engineering isn’t in the classroom

    Opinion: The big reason women drop out of engineering isn’t in the classroom

    The number of women enrolling in engineering school has increased steadily over the past four decades but the number of women working as engineers hasn't kept pace.  Read more...

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    Former Community Member
  • Female millennials drive up percentage of women in engineering

    Female millennials drive up percentage of women in engineering

    The lack of female talent in engineering is still dramatic, however latest findings show that a younger generation of women are making positive steps to close the sector’s gender gap. Read more...

  • TWI launches new women in engineering group

    TWI launches new women in engineering group

    Heidi Allen, MP for South Cambridgeshire, joined TWI ‘Technology ‘Fellow’ Dr Isabel Hadley and around 60 staff to celebrate National Women in Engineering Day. The event also saw the launch by the organisation’s professional division, The Welding Institute, of the new Women in Engineering Group. Read more...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • What Does Being A Mentee Look Like?

    What Does Being A Mentee Look Like?

    We're currently seeking mentees that have been paired through the IET's mentoring service to act as case studies for IET Mentoring Awareness Week later this year. We are particularly interested in hearing from mentees with a different or interesting story of how they met with their mentor for the first time, or those from a non-UK setting to promote the work of mentoring as a global volunteering family. The case studies will be featured on the IET's website and may also be used for promotional purposes through Member News Online or Volunteer Update to promote the mentoring service and to raise the profile of the mentees involved. If you are interested, please contact: mentoring@theiet.org with the subject line "Mentoring Awareness Week 2016".

    Kathryn Bain
  • Rosetta Space Mission

    Rosetta Space Mission

    On 23 June, the Robotics & Mechatronics TPN joined forces with Satellite Systems and Applications Network and the Aerospace Network for an evening presentation on the Rosetta Spacecraft Mission. Two talks were given, the first by Dr Paolo Ferri and the second by Dr Mark Bentley. There is a great blog posting giving further details here . The two speakers have kindly shared their presentation slides with us and have also agreed to answer questions from those of you were not able to attend the event.  To view the presentations and post your questions please go to the discussion forum  .

  • IET Global Volunteer Conference 2016

    IET Global Volunteer Conference 2016

    The IET Global Volunteer Conference 2016 was held at the seat of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, in Savoy Place, London on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th June 2016. As Chairman of the Local Network, I attended the Conference together with Mr. Hisham Rojoa from Mauritius in his capacity as Chair of the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Communities Committee. Thanks to receive a résumé of the programme and activities carried out: Day 1: •     Plenary session – morning.   o    Welcome and Introduction by Naomi Climer – President of the IET o    Presentation by below persons on the theme: "Inspire – Growing engagement".        Eur Ing R (Gordon) Dixon BSc CEng FIET FRSA       Joseph Dunn MIET The Solent Network’s Young Professional team was show-cased. The speakers also talked…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • What’s To Be Gained From An Integrated Threat Management Approach?

    What’s To Be Gained From An Integrated Threat Management Approach?

    Further to the Engineering Council’s recent guidance for engineers entitled Principles for Security, the IET has joined forces with the Register of Security Engineers and Specialists (RSES) to host an inaugural evening lecture , in London on the 14th July, on integrating threat management in the digital built environment . The event will demonstrate  that there is global access to vulnerable systems and  national infrastructure systems and will highlight the synergies  to be gained from an integrated threat management approach.     Highlights of the evening include a live demonstration of on-line global penetration assessment and testing of control systems, followed by a discussion on solutions; two integrated teams of physical counter-terrorism and cyber specialists will demonstrate, with…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Impostor Phenomenon - Questionnaire

    Impostor Phenomenon - Questionnaire

    This questionnaire was developed by Dr Pauline Rose Clance as part of her work on the Impostor Phenomenon (more information can be found via the links at the end of this questionnaire).   Read more...

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    Former Community Member
  • Rosetta Spacecraft Mission Update

    Rosetta Spacecraft Mission Update

    Although meteorological conditions badly disrupted travel in the city on the day of the seminar, a very interested and involved audience travelled across London to hear about the Rosetta mission and its 10-year journey to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from two very knowledgeable and engaging speakers.    First, Dr Paolo Ferri from ESA’s European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Germany gave a presentation entitled ‘Rosetta – how to catch a Comet’ in which he described the mission operations challenges, with particular emphasis on the difficulties of orbiting the comet nucleus.    Secondly, Dr Mark Bentley from the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of  Sciences gave a presentation on ‘A snapshot of the science from Rosetta’ which contained an overview of the science findings…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Rosetta Spacecraft Mission

    Rosetta Spacecraft Mission

    Although meteorological conditions badly disrupted travel in the city on the day of the seminar, a very interested and involved audience travelled across London to hear about the Rosetta mission and its 10-year journey to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from two very knowledgeable and engaging speakers.   First, Dr Paolo Ferri from ESA’s European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Germany gave a presentation entitled ‘Rosetta – how to catch a Comet’ in which he described the mission operations challenges, with particular emphasis on the difficulties of orbiting the comet nucleus.   Secondly, Dr Mark Bentley from the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences gave a presentation on ‘A snapshot of the science from Rosetta’ which contained an overview of the science findings from…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • IET Shropshire wins an award!

    IET Shropshire wins an award!

    At the Global Volunteers Conference held in Savoy Place on 17th and 18th June, IET Shropshire received an award from CC-UK for being the most operationally excellent Local Network in the UK. Here, Dr Simon Hart accepts the certificate from Davy Thielens, CC-UK Chairman.

    Joanne Longton
  • NWED IET - Ask an Engineer - Video now Available

    NWED IET - Ask an Engineer - Video now Available

    The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and Royal Institution of Charted Surveyors (RICS) are pleased to invite you to a live chat about existing jobs in engineering, facilitated by a wide range of speakers across industry, on 23rd June to celebrate National Women in Engineering Day (NWED). More information ...

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  • IET/TAROS Public Lecture 2016

    IET/TAROS Public Lecture 2016

    Developmental robotics for embodied language learning was the subject of the IET/TAROS Lecture 2016 and Professor Angelo Cangelosi gave a fascinating presentation to an appreciative audience of roboticists, engineers and members of the general public. Developmental robotics is a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to robotics that is directly inspired by the developmental principles and mechanisms observed in children’s cognitive development. The theme of the talk was the growing theoretical and experimental research on action and language processing and on number learning and gestures.  During the talk Professor Cangelosi presented examples of developmental robotics models and experimental results from iCub experiments on the embodiment biases in early word acquisition and grammar…

    Joanne Longton
  • Engineering taster day at Swansea University

    Engineering taster day at Swansea University

    Would you be able to spare a morning, afternoon, or whole day, to help out at an Engineering Taster Day on Thursday 7th July?   Venue: School of Engineering, Swansea University, School of Engineering, Fabian way, Skewen, SA1 8EN   Time: Full day is 8.00am to 3.30pm.  People that want to do morning only or afternoon only are welcome. Morning session will be 8.00 am to 12.00pm, afternoon session will be 12.00pm to 3.30pm   Sort of thing you will be doing: Volunteers will help pupils build a straw pylon subject to wind load, a motorised car and a self-propelling boat. In addition they will answer questions that may arise during the question and answer session. The aim of the taster session is to inform year 9 and 10 pupils about the different options available within Engineering and possible routes…

  • Present Around the World (PATW) 2016

    Present Around the World (PATW) 2016

    The local heats of the Present Around The World (PATW) contest was held on Saturday 04th June 2016 in the Lecture room at Pro-Five Consulting Ltd, Ebène. Some sixteen (16) participants registered for the competition during which we discovered a whole array of interesting presentations and projects as well as eloquent presenters. On behalf of the IET Local Network, I extend my heartiest congratulations to all of the participants. We are pleased to inform you that the Winner for the PATW 2016 for the Mauritius Local Network is Mr. Sandesh Mihdidin for his presentation on "Assessing the sustainability of fuel ethanol production in Mauritius". He will be representing Mauritius at the Regional Finals in Barcelona by end of July 2016. He also receives a cash prize of £150 and a winner certificate…

  • Adventures in AI

    Adventures in AI

    To coincide with Women in Engineering Day, Dr Patricia Shaw, an EPSRC -supported researcher at Aberystwyth University, describes her passion for robots, and explains how robotics is helping her research into how humans start learning from the moment they are born Read more...

  • Last Chance to Apply for the IET YWE Awards!

    Last Chance to Apply for the IET YWE Awards!

    You have until Thursday  to apply for the IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year  Award! Do you want to: win £2,500; boost your engineering career; inspire the next generation of engineers? Then why not apply for the Young Woman Engineer of the Year Award?    There are two other prizes to be won:  The Mary George Memorial Prize for Apprentices (£750) Women’s Engineering Society (WES) Prize (£750) All award winners will receive a trophy and a cash prize, which will be awarded at the prestigious YWE ceremony on  1 December 2016,  at IET London: Savoy Place . If you have started your application and wish to complete it, please do so here .

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Engineering skills: the building blocks of toy design

    Engineering skills: the building blocks of toy design

    Earning big bucks for playing with toys might seem like a pipe dream but it’s actually an integral part of the job description for an increasing number of engineers, computer scientists and industrial designers. Read more... The IET Women's Network collaborated with Debbie Sterling, founder and CEO of GoldieBlox - The construction toy for girls,  in 2014.  Check out the video here.

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    Former Community Member
  • Comment: Inspiring girls into engineering

    Comment: Inspiring girls into engineering

    Liren Li works as a reservoir engineer for BP, ensuring maximum recovery from their oil and gas field operations. You would think this keeps her quite busy, but with National Women in Engineering Day 2016 upon us, she explains why it’s also important for her to spend time mentoring students at the Space Studio School in Feltham. Read more...

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  • Emily Swatton, UKAEA

    Emily Swatton, UKAEA

    Emily Swatton, a second year mechanical engineering apprentice at UKAEA, is keen to show school pupils what life is like for today’s young female engineers! Read more...

  • Future engineering leaders win Academy awards

    Future engineering leaders win Academy awards

    Five young engineers who have made a major impact in their respective fields very early in their careers will each receive a prestigious award this week at the Royal Academy of Engineering Awards Dinner at the Tower of London on Thursday 23 June. IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year Award 2015 winner, Orla Murphy, was among those selected and was the only woman engineer out of the five winners! Well done, Orla :) Read more...

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