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  • Former IET YWE Award Finalist And Structural Engineer, Roma Agrawal One Of The Faces Of The New M&s Campaign!

    Former IET YWE Award Finalist And Structural Engineer, Roma Agrawal One Of The Faces Of The New M&s Campaign!

    Congratulations Roma! This is a fantastic achievement and we are very pleased for you and the inspiration that you bring to others. For more information... Daily Mail Article

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Ban Bossy

    Ban Bossy

    ''When a little boy asserts himself, he's called a “leader.” Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded “bossy.” Words like bossy send a message: don't raise your hand or speak up. By middle school, girls are less interested in leading than boys—a trend that continues into adulthood. Together we can encourage girls to lead.'' - Ban Bossy For further information...

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Manchester Network - Education Award Winner

    Manchester Network - Education Award Winner

    At the 2014 OCR Raspberry Jamboree held at the Manchester Central Conference Centre, Amy Mather (14) was presented with the IET Education Award for the Manchester region for "Inspiring young people to develop STEM and digital skills". The IET Education Award is a new award introduced by The IET in 2013. It is presented regionally by IET local networks to young people (aged 12-19), and rewards them for excellence in taking part in a project or activity within their school or other organisation. (Alan Jones, Manchester's Schools Liaison Officer presenting Amy with her certificate). Amy Mather is a 14 year old school girl from Manchester who is working tirelessly to inspire others into computing and other technology subjects. You only have to search for "Amy Mather" on Google to realise how much…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Manchester Network Annual Dinner

    Manchester Network Annual Dinner

    If you attended the Manchester Network Annual Dinner on 20 March, they'd appreciate your feedback/comments on the event as the committee is keen to take this board in planning the 2015 event. Please post your comments here.

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • First Selfie at a Manchester Network Event

    First Selfie at a Manchester Network Event

    Manchester Network had their first selfie at the Dinner at the Midland Hotel yesterday evening (20th March), courtesy of Michael Masterman, Chairman of the Manchester British Computer Society. Excellent evening at the @TheIET dinner, great network, loads of ideas and inspiration for @bcsmanchester #selfie pic.twitter.com/Skf0hdqRE9 — Michael Masterman (@Mr_Masterman) March 20, 2014

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • New Professional Registration Advisors Trained For The Middle East

    New Professional Registration Advisors Trained For The Middle East

    New professional registration advisors trained for the Middle East Last December the IET hosted an event to train 11 international professional registration advisors (IPRAs) to cover the Middle East. Increasing the region’s number of IPRAs by a factor of three, these advisors will be working across countries including Qatar, UAE, Egypt and Oman, allowing for more engineers across the Middle East to gain access to professional registration support. “This project was all about removing the bottlenecks for engineers to become professionally registered,” explains IET Europe, Middle East and Africa Communities Committee (EMEA-CC) chairman Iain Murdoch. “In the EMEA region there was a limited number of advisors who had an increasing workload. This was in addition to their regular day jobs. “In order…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • HTN Community Update 17 March 2014

    HTN Community Update 17 March 2014

    Hello once again to all our network members. This month's update serves to draw your attention to an event that we are very excited to be part of: on Tuesday 29th April, we will be hosting an event with the IMechE Biomedical Engineering Association (BmEA) that has been in planning for some time. Engineering the future of Biomedical Engineering by Professor Sir Michael Brady FRS FREng FMedSci Tuesday 29 April 2014 5:30pm for 6pm (followed by a networking reception) One Birdcage Walk Westminster London SW1H 9JJ It is hard to think of someone more committed to the advancement and practical application of engineering within healthcare than this speaker. As a measure of his committment to the field, Mike decided to mark his retirement from the post of Professor of Information Engineering at Oxford…

    Peter Bannister
  • Augmented reality for future seafarers

    Augmented reality for future seafarers

    Rolls-Royce envisions bridges of ships ten years from now will be packed with augmented reality technology and equipped with smart workstations. The company, working with the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), has introduced a series of innovative designs proposing workstations capable of recognising automatically who has sat in front of them. The bridge-windows, Rolls-Royce proposes, could be turned into augmented reality displays, showing navigation information, weather alerts and routes and locations of other ship in the area. Seafarers, travelling on tugs, cargo ships or platform supply vessels could have such technology at hand by 2025. Read the full article on the E&T Website

    Lisa Miles
  • Embracing Social Media – How Do You Get Your Message Out There?

    Embracing Social Media – How Do You Get Your Message Out There?

    With the explosion of Social Media, ever increasing multi-channel marketing and a generation of people who ‘live online’, understanding how to get your message out there effectively is more complex than ever. At the event “How should Engineering and Technology industry embrace Social Media, Marketing and Public Relations?” organised by the IET Multimedia Communications Network in collaboration with the University of Westminster on 11 March 2014, our speakers, Louise Hayter (Immerse Learning), Bryony Thomas (Watertight Marketing) and Barry Flynn (Barry Flynn Communications) shared some industry hot-tips for setting up a social media strategy for businesses. Commenting in the event, Philip Clayson , Chair of the IET Multimedia Communications Network said “As the IET continues its journey…

    Lisa Miles
  • Embracing Social Media – How Do You Get Your Message Out There?

    Embracing Social Media – How Do You Get Your Message Out There?

    With the explosion of Social Media, ever increasing multi-channel marketing and a generation of people who ‘live online’, understanding how to get your message out there effectively is more complex than ever. At the event “How should Engineering and Technology industry embrace Social Media, Marketing and Public Relations?” organised by the IET Multimedia Communications Network in collaboration with the University of Westminster on 11 March 2014, our speakers, Louise Hayter (Immerse Learning), Bryony Thomas (Watertight Marketing) and Barry Flynn (Barry Flynn Communications) shared some industry hot-tips for setting up a social media strategy for businesses. Commenting in the event, Philip Clayson , Chair of the IET Multimedia Communications Network said “As the IET continues its journey to be…

    Lisa Miles
  • Tweets from MMC Social Media Event via Storify

    Tweets from MMC Social Media Event via Storify

    [ View the story "Tweets from IET MMC Social Media event" on Storify ]

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Tweets from MMC Social Media Event via Storify

    Tweets from MMC Social Media Event via Storify

    [ View the story "Tweets from IET MMC Social Media event" on Storify ]

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Freight Lecture - Huddersfield

    Freight Lecture - Huddersfield

    The West Yorkshire Network volunteers have organised a presentation on "Smaller Freight Wagon Wheels - a stressful experience" up in Huddersfield on 18 March 2014, which may be of interest to you. Its being given by Julian Stow, Assistant Director of the University of Huddersfield's Institute of Railway Research. Further information can be found here .

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • IET Kent Volunteer Committee 2013/14 Session

    IET Kent Volunteer Committee 2013/14 Session

    The IET Kent Network organises a programme of activities in and around Kent for all engineers and members of the public. All of these activities are made possible by the efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers. If you would like to know more about our committee, or would like to volunteer to help us, please get in touch with any of the volunteers listed below: Committee members 2013 - 2014 Guy Bertrand Chairman Brian Dury Vice Chairman / Schools Liaison Officer David Thorpe Secretary Denis Hooker Treasurer/Programme Events Co-ordinator Bob Martin-Royle Retired Members Ruiheng Wu University of Greenwich Nathan Gomes University of Kent John Ennew Young Professionals Safety In Action, Digibury Mark Bryant Student Representative, University of Kent John Tasker Member Nitin Patel Member Michel…

    Lisa Miles
  • Your Community needs you!

    Your Community needs you!

    OK, so you joined the IET and you receive E&T every month and you read a bit about what the IET is doing via the press or social media. Wouldn't you like to be more involved, even influence your profession? It needn't take up too much of your time and you'll find it fantastically rewarding for yourself and your career. We're looking for keen people to join the North Yorkshire Local Network committee of the IET; we're the ones that arrange the events, post on social networks (follow us on @IET_Yorkshire on Twitter), keep the web site alive and influence IET strategy through our involvement with your institution. We're doing really interesting things this year - like creating web-only events for You Tube and the North Yorkshire Community web site - and we'd like you to help us continue our mission…

    Joanne Longton
  • Autumn 2013 event reviews

    Autumn 2013 event reviews

    AUTUMN 2013 A lecture on "Military R & D: Is it helping or hindering our security?" was presented by Dr Stuart Parkinson in October in the University of York. The lecture was an informative, thought-provoking and challenging presentation whcih questioned why the UK should spend so much resources on destructive weapons while the expertise and ingenuity of the engineering communicty could be much better focussed on conflict avoidance. Many questions and discussion followed from a receptive audience. The lecture can be viewed on IET TV at http://tv.theiet.org/technology/communications/17919.cfm Dr Iain Mosely presented a lecture in November covering various aspects of "Smart Home" and "Smart Grid" technologies including proposals for domestic DC distribution systems and intelligent power converters…

    Joanne Longton
  • College of North West London Skills Show

    College of North West London Skills Show

    The local London IET will have a table at the College of North West London's Skills Show (formerly known as Industry Day). This is on 26th March, 09:00 - 15:00. If anyone would like to attend or help please let David ( dtandy@iee.org ) know. The location details can be found here .

    Robert Heaton
  • Caithness International Science Festival 2014

    Caithness International Science Festival 2014

    The Caithness International Science Festival is a festival of education, enlightenment and entertainment, where all Caithness youngsters are given the opportunity to experience science in work shops, shows and much more. The Festival has been organized every spring since 2003. Science Festival 18th to 22nd March 2014 This year marks the 12th Science Festival and as well as involving all the schools in Caithness, it will also include an expanded programme of public activities and workshops. The 2014 Festival will include performances and workshops including: Dynamic Earth "Scotland's Time Lords" Generation Science's "Ella's Wobble" and "Power from the People" TechFest Aberdeen's "Investigating Ink" and "Plant Munch" Sphere Science "Band Rollers" and "Carousel/Circus" Glasgow Science Centre's…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Here Is How We Celebrated International Women's Day 8th March 2014

    Here Is How We Celebrated International Women's Day 8th March 2014

    Here is a snap shot of all of the activity that the IET Women's Network has produced in the run up to International Women's Day! Webinars To celebrate International Women's Day the IET Women's Network has produced a series of four webinars, in the lead up to the day, enabling you to plug in at any time from your desk or from the comfort of your own home! The topics covered: Understanding Unconscious Bias Stereotype Threat The Art of Ethical Persuasion - Asking for a Payrise Stand Up! Be Assertive! Confidence Buoilding for Professionals Event In addition to the series of webinars that we produced, we also held an event in London to mark the day! The event covered Understanding Unconscious bias - ''People who are viewed through a stereotypical lens often adapt their behaviour to the stereotype…

  • 11 year old ambassador

    11 year old ambassador

    Olivia's news in @dorkingnews keeping up awareness for #dyslexics pic.twitter.com/AkHQTlA2bL — Tim Loder (@LoderTim) March 7, 2014

    Joanne Longton
  • Science Museum collaboration brings robotics to the forefront of the public’s imagination

    Science Museum collaboration brings robotics to the forefront of the public’s imagination

    Science Museum collaboration brings robotics to the forefront of the public’s imagination The IET Robotics and Mechatronics Network has been working closely with the Science Museum to host a number of high profile talks and workshops. The network is building a strong relationship with the Science Museum through collaborative events that aim to inform and inspire the public about robotics. Claire Rocks, the network’s chair, has been working closely with the museum over the last few years and so when it began to plan several robotics-based activities to build up momentum for its forthcoming six-month You Robot exhibition (set to launch in 2015 or 2106), it turned to the IET. The museum explained that it was looking to run a series of events focused on robotics entitled Robot Safari and the IET…

  • Healthcare Awards Most Successful On Record

    Healthcare Awards Most Successful On Record

    Healthcare Awards Most Successful On Record The Annual Healthcare Technologies Awards and Lecture took place in London last November, where delegates had the opportunity to hear from guest speaker Douglas Crombie Anderson OBE, who relayed the story of the creation of a new medical technology that saves patients sight and produced a successful public floated company. The evening also saw the winners of the William James and J.A Lodge awards present a synopsis of their work. The event, which has been hosted and organised by the IET Healthcare Technologies Network for over ten years, saw a leap in interest in 2013, with applicants for the awards reaching an all time high. Coordinating the awards and speakers Network member Dr Daniel Abásolo oversaw and coordinated the whole awards process and…

  • Swindon’s success story

    Swindon’s success story

    Swindon’s success story The IET Swindon Local Network (LN) has grown to become one of the most active in the UK, thanks in part to MyCommunity bringing fresh blood into the committee. The Swindon LN is based in a non-university town covering a relatively small area, but currently has in the region of 1,500 members. A long-standing network, it was originally set up back in the late 1960’s by engineers Ken Sherwin and Derek Bateman. The latter may be one of the longest serving IET committee members as Derek continues to be an active committee member even in his mid eighties, acting as its CONNECT representative and a professional registration advisor (PRA). “We want the Swindon LN to be the number one in the UK,” says Mubbisher Ahmed, the network’s Publicity Officer. “We have a responsibility…

  • Geneva Motor Show - Driverless Cars

    Geneva Motor Show - Driverless Cars

    Various driverless car concepts are on display at the Geneva Motor Show. I like this one of the Rinspeed Xchange concept car. Its almost like being ina private executive jet.

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie