Welcome to the Community Insights blog!

This blog features posts from and about the EngX community. Want to contribute? Read our blogging guide to help you get started.

  • Diversity in PEMD

    Diversity in PEMD

    Join the discussion on ways to stop the decline in the number of engineers and how to improve diversity within the profession, with the Driving the Electric Revolution team, guest host Jacqui Murray, Deputy Director of the Faraday Battery Challenge and others. https://lnkd.in/de7Mi3B #DrivingElectricRevolution #Diversity #STEM This Thursday 27 August 2020 at 15:00 (UK time)

    Bill Drury
  • West Yorkshire Network Committee

    West Yorkshire Network Committee

    The IET West Yorkshire Network organise a programme of engineering activities in the West Yorkshire area. All of these events and activities are made possible by the efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers. If you would like to know more about our committees, or would like to be a volunteer for us, please get in touch with any of the volunteers listed here. Dr Crinela Pislaru  - Chairman Dr Crinela Pislaru has over 20 years’ experience of teaching and research in UK Universities. Her expertise is on Engineering education and control engineering with applications in rail industry and manufacturing industry. She was awarded the status of Chartered Engineer (CEng) and Fellowship of Higher Education Academy (FHEA) as recognition of her high level of competence and ongoing commitment to professionalism…

    Oliver Clarke
  • IET Supported Event - Online Railway Automation Seminar - 2 Days, 4 Leading Institutions

    IET Supported Event - Online Railway Automation Seminar - 2 Days, 4 Leading Institutions

    As automation, artificial intelligence and robotics technologies continue to develop, they open up many opportunities to increase railway capacity, performance and reliability, while reducing costs and improving customer experience and safety. Much is also to be learnt about how automation can be introduced effectively and safely.  Four major professional engineering institutions (IRSE, The PWI, IMechE and IET) have joined forces to deliver perhaps the most comprehensive in-depth seminar on rail automation to be held to date.                   Delegates can watch 17 pre-recorded presentations from international industry experts in advance of two live 90-minute seminar sessions, which will each include an interactive Q&A session.    The cost of the seminar, including on-demand access to all…

    Lynsay Callaghan
  • Update On Condition Monitoring Techniques For Assessment Of High Voltage Assets

    Update On Condition Monitoring Techniques For Assessment Of High Voltage Assets

    Fundamentally, the desired result of a diagnostic test is to determine the status of the apparatus as to whether an abnormality is detected, how critical it is, and how soon it will require attention. The justification for the tests is the benefit of having data to support decisions that affect the reliability of the asset. Short of limiting the use of an asset, diagnostic testing is the only reliable and economic approach to ensuring its longevity for reliable and safe operation.  Some tests can detect very specific anomalies while others offer a broad assessment of the asset. The scope of this presentation is to consolidate all the current techniques ranging from simple insulation resistance testing to more complex methods such as Frequency Response Analysis for field testing of HV assets…

    Teck Tan
  • Annual Event 2020 - Speaker Updates

    Annual Event 2020 - Speaker Updates

    We are very excited to announce our Annual event will take place via Zoom this year - 9 - 10 September.  Taking place over two days, we have some fantastic speakers lined up for you.   Day one will cover COVID-19 response from the particle accelerator community and the second day will be alligned with what the annual conference usually covers. Registration is required, and the Zoom link to join the event will be sent to you no later than 2 days before. Details for the speakers to date are below.  For further details and how to register please  Visit the webpage Diamond's contribution to the fight against covid-19", Dr Alice Douangamath , Senior Beamline Scientist, Diamond Light Source Ltd  Synopsis: SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, has resulted in over twenty million confirmed cases…

    Joanne Longton
  • Innovative Nuclear Competition Launch – Are You Ready For The Challenge?

    Innovative Nuclear Competition Launch – Are You Ready For The Challenge?

    The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority – including Sellafield Ltd and Magnox Ltd – has teamed up with Innovate UK to call on companies to come up with new ideas and innovative approaches to the challenge. You can view the Government press release here Robotics, sensors, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, advanced software, route planning and tracking, image recognition, materials characterisation, control, autonomous systems:  these are just some of the potential technologies which could be used for the Sort and Segregate Nuclear Waste competition. It is open to any interested organisations – they don’t have to be from a nuclear background – to form consortia and develop a plan to address the challenge. It involves work at Sellafield and several Magnox nuclear reactor sites – the UK’s…

  • Where do we go next?

    Where do we go next?

    Where do we go next?  This is a blog post by Phil Haggar, posted here by Martin Russ. Needs must. Necessity compels us. And scares some us too, I’ve no doubt. When your freelance income looks shakier than it has for a while, maybe there’s a genuine reason to pull up the duvet; order something from Amazon to cheer yourself up and hope it’s all going to get better Eventually.  Engineers and emotions are strange bedfellows. We are trained to solve problems, and, when there are issues with a live broadcast service, remaining dispassionate is a benefit. But dispassionate logic, without emotion, is Vulcan not human. And as human engineers, understanding our emotions can be a key part of our toolbox.  When managing technical projects, an important part is to review the lessons learned. I have a small…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Help us find our IET@150 STEM Personality of the Year

    Help us find our IET@150 STEM Personality of the Year

    Do you know someone who deserves this once in a lifetime award? We’re looking to recognise a person or group who are making a difference to our world. They could be helping local communities, fighting global challenges or benefiting society anywhere in the world, through a direct or indirect association with engineering or technology. They should be STEM role models for young people, highly regarded in their field and excellent communicators. It’s quick and easy to nominate. You can visit:  https://www.theiet.org/about/iet-150-anniversary/help-us-find-our-iet-150-stem-personality-of-the-year/ Nominees can be of any nationality, from any country of residence, and do not need to be an IET member. This is a great opportunity to share experience, or nominate someone doing something amazing

    Kathryn Bain


    NOMINATIONS FOR THE IET MALAYSIA LOCAL NETWORK COMMITTEE 2021/2023 SESSION   In accordance with Clause 10 of the Constitution, nominations to fill the vacancies as stated above in the Nomination Form are invited from amongst IET Malaysia Local Network Members. Each candidate can only be nominated for one post. Each proposer can only propose one candidate for one post. Seconder can support more than one candidate (as per Constitution, Clause 10 (6)). Candidate should complete the attached Nomination Form which you could download from the IET Malaysia Local Network Community or collect from the IET Malaysia Secretariat. The nomination together with the written consent of the person so nominated, shall be sent in a sealed envelope marked "Confidential Nomination Paper" and addressed to The Hon…

    Alison Siu
  • Innovate Malaysia Design Conference 2020

    Innovate Malaysia Design Conference 2020

    Innovate Malaysia Design Conference 2020 As a continuous efforts in promoting STEM education in Malaysia, IET Malaysia is proudly supporting IET Green Technology Award for the up coming Innovate Malaysia Design Conference (IMDC) 2020. Innovate Malaysia Design Competition is the largest design competition in Malaysia, open to all third year or final year degree engineering, computer science, IT, and science/mathematics students. The goal of the competition is to promote innovative culture in engineering design work, tackle real-world problems with practical engineering solutions, and churn out brightest talents for product development, further research, and commercialization. Technology companies, including Dassault Systémes SOLIDWORKS, Google, Intel, Keysight, MathWorks, Microsoft, SAS, and…

    Alison Siu
  • Mobile Prestige Lecture: 5G Opportunities (IET Berkshire Local Network Webinar)

    Mobile Prestige Lecture: 5G Opportunities (IET Berkshire Local Network Webinar)

    "We all use 4G now and are getting a liking to how voice and data services should be delivered. With 5G we can expect faster resolutions, better time responses and video real time accuracy" explained Phil Sheppard, Director and Principal Consultant at Clear Technology Consulting Limited at the 'Mobile Prestige Lecture: 5G Opportunities' lecture organised by the IET Berkshire Local Network and hosted by Abhaya Sumanasena.   Phil walked the delegates through what we can expect with 5G deployment speeds, and why the 20Gbps peak speed is still yet to come - in the meantime the initial deployment efficiencies will still be a massive change on how we consume voice and data in our homes and businesses. Global 5G economy is expected to reach $2.2 Trillion and is expected to have a high impact on Agriculture…

  • IET East Midlands - Video Content Available Now!

    IET East Midlands - Video Content Available Now!

    Check out the new IET East Midlands youtube channel, here we will share webinars which have been recorded and any other relevant content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0FAsSx8wS5sS7TLDKMdxg To get us started we have been working with the IMechE and RAeS in the area to put together a series called 'Talking Together' with videos focussed on mental health and wellbeing. To kick us off here is a Q&A with Rolls-Royce CTO Paul Stein discussing themes around loneliness in the workplace, dealing with disappointment and uncertainty as a young professional: https://bit.ly/3jIOYgE

    Michelle T
  • IET Talks 2020/2021 Academic Year

    IET Talks 2020/2021 Academic Year

    Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, most of the venues we normally use for lectures are currently closed.  All of our talks in 2020 are online and can be booked via the IET events pages.  For 2021, we are putting together talks which will probably also be online unless there are major changes in rules and conditions for holding events and venues are available.

    David Blake
  • Learn Something In Lockdown

    Learn Something In Lockdown

    You will be aware that the IET have taken the decision to cancel or postpone all IET in-person events for the foreseeable future. However, we have a huge range of virtual events available. As part of our ongoing support of CPD whilst we're in lockdown, we would like to highlight a number of our upcoming e-classes with spaces available that may be of interest.   22/07/2020 Managing Change 10:30 12:00 24/07/2020 Leading and Developing Successful Teams 10:30 12:00 04/08/2020 Starting out in Coaching 10:30 12:00 07/08/2020 Managing Change 13:30 15:00 13/14/08/2020 Preparing for Professional Registration 10:30 11:00 17/08/2020 Dealing with Conflict 10:30 12:00 Our e-classes use established theories and concepts delivered by our engaging professional skills trainers, and are great as an introduction…

    Kathryn Bain
  • John Logie Baird Webinar 2020 - Introduction To Our Speaker Nigel Walley, MD, Decipher

    John Logie Baird Webinar 2020 - Introduction To Our Speaker Nigel Walley, MD, Decipher

    The IET Media JLB 2020 webinar - The End of the Broadcast is taking place next on 16th July ( register now to join us ) and I wanted to introduce our next speaker Nigel Walley,  MD at Decipher.   Nigel is MD of media consultancy Decipher which specialises in understanding how new consumer technologies affect media and advertising markets. Decipher works with most major broadcasters, TV platforms and trade bodies and have recently published a review of addressable TV advertising for ISBA.

  • John Logie Baird Webinar 2020 - Introduction To Our Speaker Maria Rua Aguete, Omdia

    John Logie Baird Webinar 2020 - Introduction To Our Speaker Maria Rua Aguete, Omdia

    The IET Media JLB 2020 webinar - The End of the Broadcast is taking place next on 16th July ( register now to join us ) and I wanted to introduce our next speaker Maria Rua Aguete, Technology Fellow and Executive Director, Omdia. Ms. Rua Aguete leads the strategic development and manages the day-to-day operations of the media team, tracking the evolution of global service providers and operators. She created the team while at Screen Digest, now part of Omdia. Their research on service providers leverages long-standing relationships with operators in all 70+ markets covered by IHS Markit, resulting in the most comprehensive source of television and operator market intelligence in the world. She has participated in reports, including the European Cable Yearbook and has led or been a significant…

  • John Logie Baird Webinar 2020 - Introduction To Our Speaker Yvonne Thomas, Strategic Technologist, Digital TV Group

    John Logie Baird Webinar 2020 - Introduction To Our Speaker Yvonne Thomas, Strategic Technologist, Digital TV Group

    The IET Media JLB 2020 webinar - The End of the Broadcast is taking place next on 16th July ( register now to join us ) and I wanted to introduce our next speaker Yvonne Thomas, Strategic Technologist, Digital TV Group.   Yvonne Thomas graduated in Television Technologies and Electronic Media Engineering from University of applied Science Wiesbaden (HSRM), Germany, in Oct. 2010. She received a prominent award of the ARD/ZDF Academy for her thesis in September 2011 at the IFA in Berlin. Following these studies she started beginning of 2011 to work at the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in the Technology & Innovation Department as Project Manager. She was responsible for projects and strategic programs on 3D and Future Television technologies, such as UHDTV or LED studio lighting and highly…

  • Post-Covid Manufacturing And Supply Chain Strategies

    Post-Covid Manufacturing And Supply Chain Strategies

    Let us know your thoughts on future Manufacturing and Supply Chain Strategies in light of learning and experience gained through the current global pandemic.The current Covid-19 Pandemic has had a significant impact on Manufacturing and Supply Chains throughout the world, with significant disruption to both supply and demand. Such disruption has not been seen since the Second World War.  Let us know your thoughts on future Manufacturing and Supply Chain Strategies in light of learning and experience gained through this pandemic. You can respond to this post or more detailed questions in:  https:// bit.ly/2ZQPlfR Further information is available in this video:  https:// b it.ly/2Z6jk4m

    Christopher Proudfoot
  • Committee 2020

    Committee 2020

    Committee 2020 Chairman     Kevin Foster Treasurer     Ian Buxton   Secretary     Rod Willis

    Alex Barrett
  • John Logie Baird Webinar 2020 - Introduction To Our Speaker Chris Wood, CTO,Spicy Mango

    John Logie Baird Webinar 2020 - Introduction To Our Speaker Chris Wood, CTO,Spicy Mango

    The IET Media JLB 2020 webinar - The End of the Broadcast is taking place next on 16th July ( register now to join us ) and I wanted to introduce our next speaker Chris Wood, CTO, Spicy Mango. Chris is an enterprise video platform architect and evangelist at Spicy Mango, an expert media technology consulting and software delivery organisation. His career began when the worlds of IT and video were yet to merge. He has played a pivotal role in the early adoption of adaptive bit-rate technologies to drive OTT delivery worldwide through senior roles at organisations such as ITV, Inlet Technologies, Cisco Systems and Ericsson .

  • John Logie Baird Webinar 2020 - Introduction To Our Speakers

    John Logie Baird Webinar 2020 - Introduction To Our Speakers

    The IET Media JLB 2020 webinar - The End of the Broadcast is taking place next on 16th July ( register now to join us ) and I wanted to introduce our panel, starting with the IET Media Chair, Ian Nock Ian Nock has over 25 years' experience in high technology companies and almost 21 years in TV and Video. He leads the consulting company Fairmile West, founded in 2012, in supplying product technology strategy and delivery consultancy and expertise for video services and consumer devices to TV and Video Service companies. This covers services and products that use satellite, cable, IPTV and OTT delivery mechanisms. In addition, Ian supports the development and promotion of the use of UHD Video technologies and services through being the Chair of the Ultra HD Forum Interoperability Group and being…

  • Mid-Year Reviews? What Have You Learned In 2020?

    Mid-Year Reviews? What Have You Learned In 2020?

    As we pass the mid-point of the year (July 2nd) you may want to review the year so far and if, like us, you do mid-year reviews as part of a structured career journey or quarterly reviews for a professional development scheme then it's a good time to reflect on what you have learned, and what you may learn throughout the rest of the year.As I am sure many of you have, I've found my knowledge of online learning and communication platforms increase and wider technical skills - from expanding my vocabulary to learn VOIP, Skype, Zoom and VPN to more personal learning by logging in to webinars to learn about resilience and working in remote teams.   I've continued to be both impressed and grateful for the innovation and adaptation that colleagues, volunteers and other members have managed from the…

    Kathryn Bain
  • Control & Automation Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2020

    Control & Automation Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2020

    Submissions are now open for our Control & Automation Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2020 The award is open to all relevant students who were awarded their PhD in the general area of Control and Automation, at a UK university, between 1st October 2018 and 30 September 2020 and nominations are now open.  This year, for the second time, we are using an online platform for submissions and are extending the closing date to 30th October 2020 . Judging In awarding the prize, the judging panel will take into account both the dissertation and the statements of the referees and the nominee. The award will be made based on the quality of the dissertation only, and will not be made based on any other contributions made by the nominee outside of the dissertation. Decisions will be regarded as final and no…

  • New History Of Technology Newsletter Available Online

    New History Of Technology Newsletter Available Online

    The latest newsletter from the History of Technology TPN is now available to download. This summer's newsletter is packed with content, from news of TPN events to articles on Samuel Insull and the IEEE Milestones programme. Find out more about the Network and how you can get involved.

    Anne Locker