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    The GPA is Grade Point Average. But, for a student it should be Good Positive Attitude towards learning. Securing high GPA is like a rat race. Most of the students start this race from the very first day at university. Whenever, someone starts this race the only desired thing is good GPA. At the end, a few ones remain successful but many not. In actual, there are many factors which play their vital role just to make GPA good enough or bad enough. In parallel, there are many problems which may derail the academic life of a student as well. One is to seek out the problems on its own in order to be less problematic person. Above all, smartness & persistence matter a lot. In semester system, time frame to cover the essentials of a subject is too short. You don’t have so much time to think when…

    Nouman Abid Chuhan
  • F1 In Schools International Final - Fastest Car

    F1 In Schools International Final - Fastest Car

    The fastest car at the F1 In Schools International Finals in Kuala Lumpur were Academy Racing from WMG Academy, Coventry Just one of the entries from the UK and beating 53 teams from across the world. Congratulations from IET Coventry and Warwickshire.

    Derrick Willer
  • The Season Ahead, IET Swindon Network

    The Season Ahead, IET Swindon Network

    The IET Swindon Network kicked off this season’s lecture series with a talk from Dr. Hamid Falaki, our very own Events Manager, with a presentation entitled "5G - Overview & Opportunities". This was also my first opportunity to introduce a speaker in my new role as Chair of our Network. I’ve recently taken over from Ray Lewington, who I’m sure many of you will know very well and will agree that he has done an excellent job.  I’m also very pleased that he has agreed to continue to actively support the Network where his involvement will be invaluable. My sincere thanks to him. Along with Ray and Hamid, we have an excellent team of volunteers supporting the Network. Robert McLaughlan is our Schools Liaison Officer & Professional Registration Advisor. He has been instrumental in our successful…

    Walter Featherstone
  • Technical Visit Report: S21 - Stuttgart's New Main Station

    Technical Visit Report: S21 - Stuttgart's New Main Station

    A report on IET Germany's visit to the building site On Saturday the 23rd. of September 2017 a group of IET members, friends and their families met up for a tour of the main building site for Stuttgart's Hauptbahnhof. This is part of the massive Stuttgart - Ulm Rail Project which, in turn, belongs to the Main Line for Europe (Magistrale für Europa / Magistrale européenne) between Paris and Bratislava, originally suggested by the EU in the 1990's. In Stuttgart the main station will be rebuilt underground and transformed from a terminus to a through-station, thereby freeing a large area of inner-city land for new buildings - primarily housing.  The project was fiercely opposed by many people due to the costs involved, the technical difficulties of building in Stuttgart's unique valley location…

    Howard Gray
  • Committee List - Younger Members Section (Session 2021)

    Committee List - Younger Members Section (Session 2021)

    Chairman Mr Olaf T Y Li Vice Chairman Mr Johnny L W Sze Honorary Treasurer Ms Karen H Y Chung Honorary Secretary Mr Kevin H C Tang Past Chairman Mr William K C Yip Immediate Past Chairman Mr Peter S F Suen Internal Affairs Coordinator Ms Michelle M S Hui External Affairs Coordinator Ms Melody Y T Wong Local Network Affairs Coordinator Mr Tommy H Y Cheung Global Network Affairs Coordinator Mr Jarek S S Tam On-Campus Affairs Coordinator Ms Jenny J Lin Community Services Coordinator Ms Celia N Y Chan Academia Services Coordinator Mr Kobe H Y Yung Career Services Coordinator Mr Anthony K O She Young Professionals Development Coordinator Mr Tory H M Choi Continuous Professional Development Coordinator Mr Andrew C Y Chiu Young Professionals Exhibition & Competition Coordinator Mr Gabriel Wong Students…

    Peter Suen
  • Doing Things Differently To Build On Success

    Doing Things Differently To Build On Success

    Most people find it difficult to embrace change, and engineers volunteering to help run a local network are no exception. However, the world is changing around us and we need to run just to keep up. On the other hand, there are some things associated with the Sussex Local Network that we don’t want to change, at least for the time being, because they work well and seem to be appreciated by our members. One of the consequences of being a little ‘stagnant’ is that our Younger Professionals section has essentially disappeared. But our programme of technical talks, amounting to 16 across the last academic year, on a wide range of topics, has continued to be a great success. Also, in spite of loosing our Schools Liaison Officer, we have managed to keep our schools events ‘ticking over’, with 12…

    David James
  • Gremlins strike at Pembrey for MotoE

    Gremlins strike at Pembrey for MotoE

    Earlier in the month the second round of the MotoE electric motorcycle racing series got underway at the Pembrey circuit in South Wales.  Its one that I’ve never visited, but I couldn’t miss the opportunity to tie in a visit to the circuit with the chance to go to the Mumbles and Gower Peninsula, two places I’ve also always wanted to visit. The two electric motorcycles from University of Bath Zero team and the Nova Racing team from University of Delft were present again.  We had been expecting University of Nottingham, but due to a technical issue they were not able to compete.  Once again the electric bikes were mixed up with the petrol ones in the Desmo Duo series. Practice and the qualifying laps went well for both teams, with Casper Voogt for the Nova team qualifying midfield in a full…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • UK Space Conference 2017

    UK Space Conference 2017

    Earlier in the summer, volunteers from the Satellite Systems & Applications Network got together with IET staff members, to capture content at the annual UK Space conference, which this year was held in Manchester.   We’ve produced the following videos to showcase current hot topics and other relevant issues in the Space/Satellite sectors:   VR Crisis Training for Decision Makers Satellite Applications Catapult at UK Space Week Clyde Space Where’s my homework from the Institute for Research in Schools Open Cosmos Low cost access to Space Oxford Space Systems Reaction Engines Bright Ascension SSTL   The Network would like to record its thanks to all those people who agreed to be interviewed for the videos and you can view these below.  You can also help us to promote these videos by sharing…

    Deborah-Claire McKenzie
  • Event Announcement: 5G State Of Play

    Event Announcement: 5G State Of Play

    Exciting news! The registration page for the next in our 5G series – ‘5G - State of Play’ – is now open !     http://www.theiet.org/events/2018/250337.cfm   About the Event 24 January 2018, Savoy Place, London 5G will usher in new types of applications requiring unprecedented bandwidth, ultra-low latency, and massive sensing. The one-day conference is on the state-of-play in the development of 5G technology. The event will focus on systems, standards, and policies needed to bring 5G to market.%u3000 Perspectives, challenges, opportunities and solutions from telecom operators, equipment manufacturers, policymakers, and academics will be shared in an effort to bring this technology to fruition by 2020. The event also provides a valuable opportunity to meet and interact with the 5G drivers in…

    Former Staff Member
  • LIFESKILLS: Taking Control of your Career workshop on Thursday 12 October

    LIFESKILLS: Taking Control of your Career workshop on Thursday 12 October

    We have spaces still available at the Lifeskills evening workshop on Thursday 12th October titled "Taking Control of your Career" The course is free to attend and is hosted at the University of Reading. Parking is free. You will also earn 3 hours CPD for attending. For more info and to book your place visit: http://www.theiet.org/events/local/250565.cfm

    Dooshiant Dyall
  • Living in the Internet of Things Cybersecurity of the IoT - A PETRAS, IoTUK & IET Event Conference & Exhibition

    Living in the Internet of Things Cybersecurity of the IoT - A PETRAS, IoTUK & IET Event Conference & Exhibition

    The IET, the PETRAS Research Hub and IoTUK are seeking abstract submissions for the Living in the Internet of Things conference and exhibition  which is taking place at IET London: Savoy Place on 28-29 March 2018.  The conference scope focuses on cybersecurity of the Internet of Things and is distinctively concerned with a range of sociotechnical issues across all industry sectors and applications including:       Submit your abstract by 10 November 2017 . Your work will be peer reviewed by the  Programme Committee and successful authors will be invited to provide a full paper for publication, a presentation slot in the programme and a reduced fee to attend the entire event.  1.  Visit the author information page   2.  Download the abstract template  3.  Submit your abstract online by Friday

    Former Staff Member
  • Humans Of The IET YP - Simon Nguyen

    Humans Of The IET YP - Simon Nguyen

    Last week we met  Leon , incumbent IET YP vice-chairperson and general marketing wizard. This week I'd like to introduce  Simon Nguyen , another member of the executive, our Secretary . Simon is a Civil/Structural Engineer whose first experience with the IET was the 2016 IET Networking Dinner. He had so much fun that he joined the committee. Why did you join the Committee? Great opportunity to network with other young professionals and give back to students. Dogs or cats (or Ducks? Naked mole rats?)? All animals are great but dogs are my best friend What is your guilty pleasure? Food Challenges and binge-watching Anime. The only food challenge I've watched was Kiviak and that was enough. What is the nerdiest thing you do?  Watching One Piece discussion/theory videos on YouTube. I do the same…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • *** CANCELLED *** 18 Oct 2017 - Opportunities Gained; Engineering And Technology In Action

    *** CANCELLED *** 18 Oct 2017 - Opportunities Gained; Engineering And Technology In Action

    *** CANCELLED DUE TO A LACK OF INTEREST *** ...come and hear a thought provoking presentation by the founders of the Nicolas Robinson School in Ethiopia, Max and Kathryn Robinson that demonstrates “engineering and technology in action”. Max and Kathryn Robinson founded Rainbows4children in 2004 with the aim of breaking the cycle of poverty in Mekele, north Ethiopia by educating the poorest children to the highest level. Ethiopia has the ambition to become a middle-income country by 2025. To achieve this aim she must industrialise and educate engineers and scientists to a high standard.   More than 1400 children are being educated at the Nicolas Robinson School from kindergarten entry level to grade 12. 180 students have now graduated from the school and are following science courses at universities…

    Jeff Hunter
  • Northern Powerhouse Manufacturing Strategy

    Northern Powerhouse Manufacturing Strategy

    As many IET Members will be aware, the Government has produced the Northern Powerhouse (NPH) Strategy document (attached) that outlines the Government’s vision for building a strong economic North that would benefit the whole of the UK.   The IET Manufacturing TPN Executive committee are organising an evidence gathering session with industrialists to provide the Government with a conduit to industry, which will assist in developing the strategy.   We have an event scheduled at the University of Liverpool on October 19th that will take the form of an evening workshop that will allow invited delegates to review and provide comments and feedback on the Government Northern Powerhouse Strategy as published in November 2016. The aim is to invite delegates to achieve a representative response from…

  • Mentoring Awareness Week 2017

    Mentoring Awareness Week 2017

    Do you remember someone from early in your career who supported and inspired you to become the professional you are today? Could you be that person for someone working toward Professional Registration? Following the success of Mentoring Awareness Week in 2015 and 2016, The IET Mentoring Service are happy to announce the 2017 Mentoring Awareness week.  This week of activity recognises the work done by those volunteering through the IET Volunteer Mentoring Service and also seeks new mentors to support those working toward professional registration.  If you are already professionally registered with the IET, and have just a few hours a month to share with another member and feel that you could pass on your experience and support a developing engineer outside of your immediate workplace then the…

    Kathryn Bain
  • The First IET x Robogals Quiz Night!

    The First IET x Robogals Quiz Night!

    Despite many initial hurdles, the IET LP’s first annual Quiz Night was a great success! Held on the 8th of September, the night brought together a group of over 70 engineering students and professionals for a night of laughter and socialising.  Livened up by the cheap drinks from the bar and exorbitant amounts of pizza and snacks, attendees enjoyed the nostalgia of going ‘Back to School’ with Andy’s old school themed quiz night, despite some seemingly ancient music choices!   The Quiz Night LP team were taken on a bumpy learning journey, with planning started in April. Finding a venue became an unexpected challenge, with the best options requiring hefty bond payments or hiring fees. After a change from the original scope of the project, we were able to find a brilliant licensed venue, with…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Newbury Electronics Ltd hosted a factory visit for the local members of the IET - 14 September 2017

    Newbury Electronics Ltd hosted a factory visit for the local members of the IET - 14 September 2017

    IET evening visit organised by the IET Berkshire network on the 14th of September was on the topic "What’s new in PCB manufacturing and electronic assembly” and consisted of a factory tour hosted at Newbury Electronics Ltd. by Philip King, owner & Managing Director. The tour started ~ 19:30 on 14/09/2017 at Newbury Electronics Ltd, Faraday road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2AD. Some 20 visitors attended the tour which lasted about 2 ½ hours with refreshments and took rather longer than expected because of the fascination shown by the visitors and all their questions.   Featured demonstrations and explanations on laser drilling of micro-vias, inkjet legend printing, photomechanical laser direct imaging, flying probe electrical test, 3D AOI, robotic soldering, laser cut solder paste screen manufacture…

    Dooshiant Dyall
  • Content Everywhere hub panel discussion

    Content Everywhere hub panel discussion

    I enjoyed the chance today to moderate a panel discussion on Protecting Media Assets and Countering Cyber Threats in the OTT World on the IBC Content Everywhere Hub stage.  We had three really interesting panelists: Anna Sainsbury the CEO of GeoGuard a geofencing company, Steve Miller-Jones who is Senior DIrector of Product Marketing at Limelight Networks who provide content distribution services, and Harrie Thoen the Managing Director of NexGuard who provide watermarking solutions.  It's clear that there is a lot of interest in the changing threats to media content, as evidenced by the large audience.

    Graham Turner
  • Humans Of The IET YP - Leon Ha

    Humans Of The IET YP - Leon Ha

    Last week we met  Peta , former IET YP chairperson, incumbent senior committee treasure, the list goes on. This week I'd like to introduce  Leon Ha , the person behind practically all social engagement from the IET YP in recent years. Chances are if you've interacted with our Facebook page you'd already have chatted with him. Currently the Vice Chairperson for the IET YP, Leon heads the marketing team , always with Instagram in hand, ready to share emojis . Leon is an alumnus of UWA having studied Chemical and Process Engineering and Applied Mathematics. He seems to have enjoyed his alma mater as he's still there as a tutor. He joined the IET to meet other engineering students and engineers to expand his network. Let's get to know Leon. Why did you join the Committee? Why won't you join a global…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • 660 Convictions For Lack Of Workplace Safety In The Last Two Years. Don’t Be Prosecution 661!

    660 Convictions For Lack Of Workplace Safety In The Last Two Years. Don’t Be Prosecution 661!

    Health and safety in the workplace can be a minefield to say the least. Incidents are thankfully, very rare, but company directors and employers with responsibility for safety can both be held liable for an incident – even if you weren’t directly responsible.Health and safety in the workplace can be a minefield to say the least. Incidents are thankfully, very rare, but company directors and employers with responsibility for safety can both be held liable for an incident – even if you weren’t directly responsible.   In addition, new sentencing guidelines introduced last year have allowed significantly higher penalties in fines and more immediate and suspended custodial sentences. Some of the fines have exceeded £1million even for non-fatal injury incidents, such as the Merlin Attractions/Alton…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Join The Satellite Systems & Applications Network Executive Team

    Join The Satellite Systems & Applications Network Executive Team

    The IET Satellite Systems & Applications Network is appealing to members with a related  specialist technical interest  to join their Executive team and represent the interests of this technical community. As a member of the IET and a registrant to the Network, we would like to invite you to put yourself forward for this opportunity. How can you benefit? Executive Team members benefit from extensive networking opportunities, training and professional development as well as the opportunity to promote your area of interest to a wider audience. What is expected of an Executive Team Member? Executive Team members act as ambassadors for the Network and wider community. As part of a dynamic and focused group, the team regularly participate in various activities such as:  - engaging in physical and…

    Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
  • Sixth Mars Rover Event

    Sixth Mars Rover Event

    Not for the first time the IET in Southern California took part in the annual Mars Rover event in Redondo Beach. This year was much improved on previous years with both a greater variety of professional organizations attending and things to do and see. @IET_SoCal #SoCalSelfie with potential? pic.twitter.com/FIf9BjbiX4 — IET SoCal (@IET_SoCal) September 16, 2017 As a STEM focused event, with many more professional associations in attendance, each had their own spin on how to keep the attendees interested, with build your own straw rockets, FLIR cameras, Sphero mazes and of course our own Van de Graaf Generator. @IETCommunities : volunteers making straw rockets at Sixth Annual NASA-JPL Mars Rover (& Cassini!) STEM talk & LA/OC Society Expo today. pic.twitter.com/RUi56Fa31G — IET SoCal (@IET_SoCal…

    Richard Tregaskes
  • IET events at IBC

    IET events at IBC

    As part of the IET's activities at IBC we took over a room today for a number of IET, SMPTE and industry sessions, and a particularly interesting presentation came from Mark Mulready of Irdeto entitled "Taking the fight to the pirates" which discussed current day piracy problems and how and to what extent these can be controlled and cybercrime prevented.  We had a room on the 3rd floor of the Elicium Building, which gave a great view of the exhibition halls and central Amsterdam but was rather too quiet and too far from the exhibition foot traffic to make it easy to get to, but those that did make it certainly seemed to enjoy the sessions.

    Graham Turner
  • Artificial Intelligence in Marketing - How AI helps us design meaningful experiences

    Artificial Intelligence in Marketing - How AI helps us design meaningful experiences

    IET Central London Evening Lecture Savoy Place, 13-Sep-2017 Speakers: Lisa de Bonis & Gary Jobe from Havas (a communication and marketing organisation) Important note: These are the author's personal recollections and interpretations, which are likely to suffer from errors and selectivity. There is no endorsement from the IET or the speakers. Lisa and Gary gave us a fast moving, informative and thought-provoking view of how AI (Artificial Intelligence or, more preferred, Augmented Intelligence) can be applied to several areas of marketing.   This is what I learnt... (with apologies if wrong)   AI is a natural evolution rather than a revolution; it's not about flying cars nor killer robots - Sci-fi writers and films have hyped it up on the years. Their job is to demystify and bring AI down to…