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In today’s fast-paced world, reliable access to electricity is crucial for businesses to thrive. HVSS were required to undertake the construction of a 24MVA primary substation and associated 6km approximately of EHV (Extra High Voltage) cabling works including additional infrastructure for 17 commercial units. The continuity of the supply was critical and preliminary works were undertaken to run HV cables to provide power to the first unit using a temporary solution that was subsequently embedded within the overall scheme. HVSS undertook the design, supply and commissioning of all SCADA (Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition) monitoring, control for the EHV substation and the wider High Voltage (HV) network’s embedded generation functionality.

A continuously evolving master-plan and engineering difficulties required extensive reviews of all infrastructure and utility plans regularly. The project required complex directional drilling across the A5, resulting in substantial liaison with Highways England and the need to submit technical reports and assessments for approval. 6km of EHV cables were installed from the National Grid Pailton grid supply point (GSP) to the new primary substation at Magna Park. New electrical infrastructure, including interaction with a Tier 1 Main Contractor, was extended throughout the development. The skill set required to deliver this project was complex with the need to finish on time while also breaking new ground with pioneering technology that the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) hadn’t experienced before.

Magna Park Overview

As the principal contractor, HVSS were responsible for undertaking the relevant notifications to the Health and Safety Executive due to the project size and duration. Flexibility around the ever-evolving site was critical, noting the need to maintain a safe working environment under Construction Design and Management regulations 2015. HVSS linked the end users’ G99 coupling relays, associated with the solar distributed generation, to an upstream constraint panel which is the first National Grid Constraint Panel that was interfaced and commissioned within the DNO network. HVSS’ experience with master planning as well as a clear understanding of the internal policies and processes within National Grid allowed us to adapt to the changes efficiently and efficaciously ensuring the client’s needs were met and project timings were not impacted. Extensive design was undertaken with precise project management and integral relationships with National Grid, Local Authorities and the client all crucial to a successful delivery. Effective project planning and risk management were applied to mitigate the challenges and ensure precise coordination around legal and civil works. Negotiation and the alignment of all parties were a key element in delivering the client’s build programme.

To read more of HVSS’ case studies, please visit