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Value of being an international professional engineer


What are the values of being an international professional engineer ?

it is very low content avaiable in the site. Can i practise engineering in 16 countries? Can i recognise as a chartered engineer on the consortium countries?

The purpose or the values of IntPE is not clear as same as CEng/Fellow etc

  • If you look here you'll see it says (above the list of countries to which IntPE applies):
    • Each member operates a national section of the International Professional Engineer (IntPE) register; registrants on these national sections may receive credit when seeking registration or licensure in the jurisdiction of another member.

    Note the word "may", it's really important. I would suggest that you need to turn this question around: look at countries on this list where you think you may wish to live and work and then find out what their local requirements are and whether IntPE will help you achieve them.

    At one extreme, in my experience many of these countries (including of course the UK) have no requirement for registration anyway, so you need to consider whether it is any advantage for particular jobs in that country. At the other extreme (Canada immediately comes to mind as one I have been dealing with recently) CEng and IntPE will only allow you to meet one part of the local requirements - for instance it may make it easier to demonstrate the academic requirements have been met - but it is a long way from giving you an automatic right to practice as an engineer there. 

    So it's a good and sensible question to ask before handing over your money, and not one with an easy answer.


  • Hi

    Let's say i received IntPE in EC(UK), should i need to take the same from Sri Lanka?

    I mean if 16 countries are having a consortium, taking the certification from one body will equal to all the countries right? In that context, i don't need to retake that in the other countries?
  • Dear Andy/Pushpa,

    My understanding is the following:

    - CEng and IntPE provide equivalence, i.e. one would not need to prove that one is a "recognised engineer".

    - There are countries - e.g. Italy, France, Canada - where certain jobs, typically in public civil engineering (construction), where the project requirements have to be signed off by an engineer registered with the competent authority. I have previously used a comparison with a doctor. One can be a fully recognised doctor in Canada/Italy/... However, to practice in the UK, this doctor would need to be registered in the UK with The General Medical Council's Register which "certifies" that the person has the training, skills and experience needed to meet the standards. If the person is not on the register, or stricken off the register, he/she can not practice medicine in the UK.

    Hope the above helps!

    Best wishes,

  • Hi

    Thanks all for the comments. Could anybody please help me for the second question?

    Is taking the IntPE from one contry means it is valid for all 16 countries? I mean as i took this in ECUK, i am an IntPE in EC Sri Lanka?

  • As no-one has answered that question, it probably means that none of us who browse this forum knows the answer for certain! But since that is the whole point of IntPE - that it is internationally recognised - it would seem completely pointless if IntPE issued in one country was not recognised in all the others.

    But whether it adds any value in those other countries is the more important question - just because you are an IntPE in (say) Sri Lanka does not necessarily mean you can practice engineering there (whether you gained your IntPE in Sri Lanka or another country).  

    You could try contacting the IET at the contact given on their IntPE page, but I would also suggest you try contacting the APEC/IntPE International Professional Engineers Register, contact details here:

    Good luck,


  • Thank you all for your valuable thoughts and feedbacks