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Value of being an international professional engineer


What are the values of being an international professional engineer ?

it is very low content avaiable in the site. Can i practise engineering in 16 countries? Can i recognise as a chartered engineer on the consortium countries?

The purpose or the values of IntPE is not clear as same as CEng/Fellow etc

  • Hi

    Let's say i received IntPE in EC(UK), should i need to take the same from Sri Lanka?

    I mean if 16 countries are having a consortium, taking the certification from one body will equal to all the countries right? In that context, i don't need to retake that in the other countries?
  • Hi

    Let's say i received IntPE in EC(UK), should i need to take the same from Sri Lanka?

    I mean if 16 countries are having a consortium, taking the certification from one body will equal to all the countries right? In that context, i don't need to retake that in the other countries?
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