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Technical Knowledge Assessment (TKA) Interview

Hi Everyone,

Question about TKA Interview

1) All candidates applying for C.Eng have to go through TKA Interview?

2) How long does it takes from TKA Interview to PRI (in case TKA goes well)?

3) What is the difference between TKA Interview and PRI, as I underwent TKA Interview few days ago and it was conducted by two senior experts and format was same as that of PRI.?

  • Girish,

    MIETForum topic level 1Forum replies level 1

    6 Posts

    Hello Girish

    I successfully completed my CEng recently.  There was only one interview that I had - the PRI - and that is the last stage of the process.  After that the IET then pass on their recommendation to the Engineering Council who then have the final say.  There is no further interview process that I was made aware of.

    Kind regards, Stephen

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    The Engineering Council registration requirements currently require a two-stage assessment of:

    • Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding (UK&U)

    • Competence

    The first is primarily about technical knowledge and for many is met by formal educational qualifications. Where these are absent, the IET uses a number of methods to attempt to identify the presence of appropriate knowledge. TKA (Technical Knowledge Assessment) is the most onerous of these methods and only applied in a relatively small number of cases. A TKA interview is the final part of this process. If the candidate demonstrates UK&U at TKA they proceed to the Professional Review Interview (PRI) which assess competence.
    All applicants for Incorporated or Chartered Engineer status have their UK&U and Competence assessed and all attend a PRI.
    I hope this helps and I wish all the best with your application.

  • Girish,

    MIETForum topic level 1Forum replies level 1

    6 Posts

    Hello Girish

    I successfully completed my CEng recently.  There was only one interview that I had - the PRI - and that is the last stage of the process.  After that the IET then pass on their recommendation to the Engineering Council who then have the final say.  There is no further interview process that I was made aware of.

    Kind regards, Stephen

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    The Engineering Council registration requirements currently require a two-stage assessment of:

    • Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding (UK&U)

    • Competence

    The first is primarily about technical knowledge and for many is met by formal educational qualifications. Where these are absent, the IET uses a number of methods to attempt to identify the presence of appropriate knowledge. TKA (Technical Knowledge Assessment) is the most onerous of these methods and only applied in a relatively small number of cases. A TKA interview is the final part of this process. If the candidate demonstrates UK&U at TKA they proceed to the Professional Review Interview (PRI) which assess competence.
    All applicants for Incorporated or Chartered Engineer status have their UK&U and Competence assessed and all attend a PRI.
    I hope this helps and I wish all the best with your application.

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