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Common CEng interview questions


Kindly help in itemising the common/general questions during CEng presentation/interview and the possible pragmatic approach to answering them. 


  • It is impossible to answer that as the questions are aimed at the individual's work and experience and how they as individuals are utilising the UK Spec Competences. However if you want a reasonable guide to the sort of questions that are likely to be asked then you should look at the IET's video on the Professional Registration Interview (available on but also on YouTube) which gives as good a representation of the questions as any (though it has been edited to show the questions grouped in terms of competence category but there is no guarantee that the questions will be in that order in the actual interview).
  • It is impossible to answer that as the questions are aimed at the individual's work and experience and how they as individuals are utilising the UK Spec Competences. However if you want a reasonable guide to the sort of questions that are likely to be asked then you should look at the IET's video on the Professional Registration Interview (available on but also on YouTube) which gives as good a representation of the questions as any (though it has been edited to show the questions grouped in terms of competence category but there is no guarantee that the questions will be in that order in the actual interview).
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