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Common CEng interview questions


Kindly help in itemising the common/general questions during CEng presentation/interview and the possible pragmatic approach to answering them. 


  • Hello Roy,

    Thank you for your response. I agree with you.

    I think my question was not being put in the proper perspective. I was wondering what could be so particular about competences A and B that would make the PRI to be built around them (i.e., competences A and B). From the UK-SPEC, 4th Edition (pp 41 - 45), I noticed what actually differentiate CEng from IEng are competences As, Bs,  C3 and C4. This might probably be one of the "latent" reasons why emphases are on A and B in the PRI (I stand to be corrected). You have taken time to explain that other competences (C-E) would be assessed in the course of assessing  A  and B. That actually addresses my point.

    In summary, I am of the opinion that competences C should be an "integral" or "major" part of the interview.
  • Hello Roy,

    Thank you for your response. I agree with you.

    I think my question was not being put in the proper perspective. I was wondering what could be so particular about competences A and B that would make the PRI to be built around them (i.e., competences A and B). From the UK-SPEC, 4th Edition (pp 41 - 45), I noticed what actually differentiate CEng from IEng are competences As, Bs,  C3 and C4. This might probably be one of the "latent" reasons why emphases are on A and B in the PRI (I stand to be corrected). You have taken time to explain that other competences (C-E) would be assessed in the course of assessing  A  and B. That actually addresses my point.

    In summary, I am of the opinion that competences C should be an "integral" or "major" part of the interview.
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