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Common CEng interview questions


Kindly help in itemising the common/general questions during CEng presentation/interview and the possible pragmatic approach to answering them. 


  • Absolutely Alutayo.  Different interviewers have different personal styles,  of course,  and some prefer to maintain a fully structured approach that goes through the competencies one by one,  but my personal style is very open, though supported  by some structure,  adopting an organic approach that seeks to infer as many competencies during the discussions of A & B as possible,  but maintaining my own 'tick list' to confirm that has happened,  seeking to then fill any gaps by addressing them directly. 

    Even then,  to give the candidate full confidence that none have been missed,  I would still specifically refer to each one in turn to confirm how I have satisfied myself on it,  even if it's only to say "we already covered this competence when we talked about..... but do you feel you have anything to add".

    Whatever the style,  all interviews will do their level best to help you demonstrate every competence to the best of your ability.
  • Absolutely Alutayo.  Different interviewers have different personal styles,  of course,  and some prefer to maintain a fully structured approach that goes through the competencies one by one,  but my personal style is very open, though supported  by some structure,  adopting an organic approach that seeks to infer as many competencies during the discussions of A & B as possible,  but maintaining my own 'tick list' to confirm that has happened,  seeking to then fill any gaps by addressing them directly. 

    Even then,  to give the candidate full confidence that none have been missed,  I would still specifically refer to each one in turn to confirm how I have satisfied myself on it,  even if it's only to say "we already covered this competence when we talked about..... but do you feel you have anything to add".

    Whatever the style,  all interviews will do their level best to help you demonstrate every competence to the best of your ability.
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