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Is it important to have a Washington Accord degree?

Following up on a couple of threads here, does anyone here have experience on whether NOT having a Washington Accord degree (e.g. an IET accredited degree) makes it harder to get jobs in any particular countries?

Or, to put it the other way around, whether having one does actually make it easier in particular countries?

It's a question that frequently comes up here, and I don't ever remember seeing an answer.

Personally I don't remember ever hearing engineers saying they had a problem with mobility to any country, whatever their qualifications, (even to Canada, provided their process is followed), but I'd hesitate to say I have enough experience to say that this really isn't something to be concerned about.


  • Peter Bernard Ladkin: 
    …none of my three degrees count for the IET…. 

    Just to mention my usual two penn'orth: all degrees (and other qualifications) count for the IET! You can become a Member, IEng and CEng with any degree…or with no degree at all.

    Anyway, I'm bad at enough at taking other people's threads in different directions, so I'd better not do it with my own as well…



  • Peter Bernard Ladkin: 
    …none of my three degrees count for the IET…. 

    Just to mention my usual two penn'orth: all degrees (and other qualifications) count for the IET! You can become a Member, IEng and CEng with any degree…or with no degree at all.

    Anyway, I'm bad at enough at taking other people's threads in different directions, so I'd better not do it with my own as well…



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