IEng & CEng Career Manager application Length & CPD Records

Hi Community, 

My question is about IEng & CEng applications in Career Manager and CPD records spanning several pages. I understand from my PRA training and previous posts on here that the downloaded PDF should not exceed 12 pages and having reviewed many applications this limit is very welcome. One of my Applicants though has got a significant granular CPD record, that runs to more than 6 pages, and is pushing the page count out to 18 pages.

If they need to reduce page count to 12 or less pages what can tell them to do to reduce the CPD records that are porting across from the CPD section in Career Manager?

Not come across such a detailed CPD record with an applicant before and wondered if others had this issue.

help and guidance will be gratefully received.


  • Hi Simon,

    As you're a PRA, have a look at the current discussion on the "IET Registration and Standards" EngX forum: "CEng application with many short term contracts". It exactly covers that point. 

    Hopefully this link will work for you:

     CEng application with many short term contracts 



  • Hi Andy,

    Thank you. It looks like I need to get them to compress (cull) their CPD record to just cover the more pertinent items of CPD. At least until they've submitted their application. I put the question in this open forum, as other applicants might be having similar issues or discussions with or without the support of a PRA.

    They've got some work to do on reducing the rest of the application too, but that is a common issue that I am generally very adept at supporting.

    Thanks for the quick response


  • Hi Andy,

    Thank you. It looks like I need to get them to compress (cull) their CPD record to just cover the more pertinent items of CPD. At least until they've submitted their application. I put the question in this open forum, as other applicants might be having similar issues or discussions with or without the support of a PRA.

    They've got some work to do on reducing the rest of the application too, but that is a common issue that I am generally very adept at supporting.

    Thanks for the quick response


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